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Showing 1-5 of 12 Abstracts search results
October 1, 2009
Editors: Carlos Ospina, Peter Bischoff, and Tarek Alkhrdaji / Sponsored by: ACI Committee 440
Symposium Papers
This CD-ROM consists of 11 papers that were presented by ACI Committee 440 at the ACI Spring 2009 Convention in San Antonio, TX, in March 2009. The papers focus on experimental evaluation and analytical predictions related to deflection and cracking. Note: The individual papers are also available. Please click on the following link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order. SP-264
J.J. Kim, A.M. Said, and M.M. Reda Taha
This paper presents an alternative approach to examine uncertainty in predicting deflections of fiber-reinforced polymer-reinforced concrete (FRP-RC) beams. The use of nonspecificity of concrete cracking as a measure of cracking variability is proposed. Non-specificity is a type of uncertainty associated with having multiple alternatives to define variables (e.g. modulus of rupture, tensile strength to describe cracking). Nonspecificity in cracking can be described by considering cracking strength interval. Using a cracking strength interval, deflection intervals of FRP-RC beams are calculated. Deflection is modeled using cracked plane frame analysis integrated with recent models describing concrete tension stiffening with fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) reinforcement. A deflection database of FRP-RC beams is developed and examined. The uncertainty in deflection prediction is evaluated by comparing the measured deflection from the database with respect to the predicted deflection interval. The significance of deflection prediction parameters on the uncertainty in predicting deflection of FRP-RC beams was analyzed. It is shown that when the applied moment to cracking moment ratio gets close to unity, the uncertainty in predicting deflection of concrete beams reinforced with FRP increases.
Y.J. Kim
This paper presents detailed investigations into the effective moment of inertia for concrete beams prestressed with aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP) tendons, including an assessment of the existing predictive methods. A three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) model is developed, based on three different experimental programs reported in literature, to predict the effective moment of inertia of concrete beams prestressed with AFRP tendons. The investigation includes the effect of different sectional properties and various prestressing levels in the tendons. The solved FEA models are compared with several predictive models. The prestressing level in the AFRP tendons significantly influences the transition of the moment of inertia from uncracked section (Ig) to fully-cracked section (Icr) . The existing design standards may not be applicable for beams having a large Ig/Icr ratio (typically over 50) with a low level of prestress (e.g., below 40% ultimate).
A. Mirmiran, H. Erdogan, and A. Singhvi
While most studies have focused on short term behavior of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)-reinforced concrete (RC) members, it is important and necessary to study their time-dependent behavior, if FRP is to be used as a viable alternative reinforcement for the infrastructure. The present study provides an analytical tool to assess serviceability issues of FRP-RC beam-columns under sustained loads. The analytical model accounts for creep of FRP-RC beams and beam-columns. The model is based on age-adjusted effective modulus method for concrete and Findlay’s model for FRP reinforcement. The model has been verified against the FRP-RC beam tests by the authors, as well as those from the literature. A detailed parametric study is then carried out to determine the effects of different types of FRP reinforcing bars on the creep of slender FRP-RC columns, and whether the ACI 318 design provisions for creep of slender RC columns is adequately safe for FRP-RC construction.
S. Matthys and L. Taerwe
To understand and predict the effect of externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) on the serviceability behavior of FRP (fiber-reinforced polymer) strengthened members, four-point bending tests have been executed on reinforced concrete (RC) beams with span length 3.8 m (150 in.). This experimental campaign was further complemented with tests on strengthened tensile members. These so-called ‘tension stiffening’ tests typically consist of a tensile test on a reinforcing bar embedded in a FRP strengthened concrete prism. As the FRP EBR increases the stiffness of the beams and as a denser crack pattern with smaller crack widths is obtained, the serviceability limit state (SLS) of the strengthened members is positively influenced. Hereby, the behavior in terms of deflection and crack widths can be predicted in a fairly accurate way.
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