ACI Code Advocacy Portal
ACI is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development dissemination and adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational and training programs, and certification programs.
Code development and
Standards Adoption takes place at the international, state, and local levels.
Select Modifications to the 2024 I-Codes
ACI Code Advocacy Video
ACI Advocacy Involvement Video
There are three specific ways that you can help the ACI code adoption process in your area:
Become a proponent or advocate
Offer a testimony of support
Once a code change proposal has been submitted for public comment in your area, individuals are given the opportunity to testify in support of the proposal. Testimony is usually at in-person hearings, nut some authorities have virtual hearings or committee meetings. If you are interested in code advocacy, reach out to an ACI Code Advocacy Engineer for confirmation.
Submit a letter of support
For state and local code development, you can submit a letter to the building code commission reviewing the code change proposal in your area. These letters should provide detail for why the code change proposal is beneficial in terms of public safety, improved quality of construction, and even economic benefit.
Collaboration Groups
ACI offers a platform for collaboration on state, national, and model code initiatives. These collaboration groups provide a forum for interested individuals to work on the development and dissemination of technical criteria and related programs. The current collaboration groups are hosted under the ACI Committee Directory. For interest in state initiatives contact Kerry Sutton, and for interest in model code development or international adoptions contact Steve Szoke,
Technical Cooperation Program
The ACI Technical Cooperation Program sponsors leading experts from ACI to participate and liaison in an international technical committee. This representative will act on behalf of ACI to support the international committee and return knowledge gained to their supporting and related committees.
LinkedIn Groups
Receive the latest news and opportunities related to ACI code adoption and implementation by joining ACI’s Advocacy Group on LinkedIn. ACI has a group dedicated to advocacy with the U.S. and another for all International advocacy efforts.
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Position Statements
ACI position statements are focused on advocacy efforts related to code development and adoption; and future statements may focus on other ACI programs, services, and activities. These position statements support policy positions along with state, federal, and international programs, rules, and regulations.
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Position Statements Facilitate Advocacy - CI June 2020.