24 Hours of Concrete Knowledge

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24 Hours of Concrete Knowledge (24HCK) is a free, virtual conference that brings together 24 ACI chapters and partners to co-host, moderate, and engage concrete experts from their region as they discuss the latest research, trends, and studies coming from the concrete industry. The conference is available to all interested in learning more about concrete construction, design, and repair from all over the world. If you have any questions about 24HCK-2024, please send an email to Bernie Pekor at Bernie.Pekor@concrete.org.

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Please note: 24 Hours of Concrete Knowledge does not offer CEU/PDH credits. Certificates of Attendance will be emailed to any 24 Hours of Concrete Knowledge attendee that meets the following requirements: 1) Attendee has viewed at least 4 hours of the conference. 2) Attendee requests an electronic Certificate of Attendance by sending an email to Bernie Pekor after the completion of the conference.

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ACI 24 Hours of Concrete Knowledge thanks the following SPONSORS for their support: