About ACI
Always advancing—The American Concrete Institute is a leading global authority for the development, dissemination, and adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, and educational, training, & certification programs. Founded in 1904, ACI is headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, with a regional office in Dubai, UAE, and resource centers in Southern California, Chicago/Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic. ACI has over 94 chapters, 244 student chapters, and 35,000 members spanning over 120 countries.
ACI Subsidiaries
The ACI Foundation was established in 1989 to promote progress, innovation, and collaboration in the concrete industry through strategic investments in research, scholarships, and ideas.
Launched in 2023, PRO: An ACI Center of Excellence for Advancing Productivity will work as a catalyst for solving the barriers of constructability to advance concrete construction productivity. PRO will collaborate with designers, materials suppliers, and contractors to identify and resolve issues that negatively impact productivity in concrete construction.
Launched in 2021, NEx: An ACI Center of Excellence for Nonmetallic Building Materials, is a catalyst for global cooperation on the use of nonmetallic building and construction materials in areas of education, awareness, research, standards development, and adoption.

Launched in 2021, NEU was established by the American Concrete Institute to collaborate globally to drive research, education, awareness, and adoption of the use of carbon-neutral materials and technologies in the built environment.
With roots dating back to 1990, AOE offers full association management to consulting services ranging from marketing and event planning to HR and strategic planning.
Introduction to ACI
The history of any organization is a reflection of the ideals and activities of individuals or organized groups within it, and their influence on the accomplishment of the established objective or its revision to meet changing conditions. So it has been with ACI and its antecedent, the National Association of Cement Users.
Click here to access this account that attempts to point out significant developments that have guided the Institute to its present position.
Global Impact Report
ACI’s 2023 Global Impact Report is an annual review containing highlights of Institute achievements, key milestones, and future plans.
The Institute has made an investment and a commitment to identifying and facilitating innovative technology into practice to build upon its leadership as the premier source of concrete knowledge. Through our new ACI Resource Centers, we have invested in hands-on training and in-person education for trades, contractors, inspectors, designers, and engineers. In keeping with the Institute’s goal of “always advancing," the ACI Centers of Excellence (NEx, NEU, PRO) continued to bring ACI's mission to life in 2023.

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International Agreements
ACI has fosters close and more formal relations with many international concrete organizations by signing international agreements. Each agreement is tailored to the particular relationship and identifies common interests, outlines a mutual understanding, and defines areas of cooperation between the organizations.
Click here to learn more about ACI International Agreements and to view the organizations ACI has signed agreements with.
ACI Strategic Plan
ACI envisions a future where everyone has the knowledge needed to use concrete effectively to meet the demands of a changing world.
Click here to access ACI's strategic plan to accomplish this vision.
ACI Bylaws
Click here to view the ACI Bylaws as approved by the ACI Board of Direction on October 24, 2019.
ACI Board of Direction
The Board of Direction consists of eighteen (18) voting Directors. Twelve (12) voting Directors are elected by the Members of the Institute. The remaining voting Directors consist of the President, Vice Presidents and the three most recent Past Presidents The Executive Vice President is a member of the Board, without vote, and serves as the Secretary and Treasurer.
Click here to view the members of the current ACI Board of Direction.
Job Openings
If you are looking for a rewarding career and you possess a positive attitude, willingness to help others, and are customer-centric, we want to hear from you! Our current team is a group of talented, creative individuals working collaboratively to carry out ACI’s mission to develop, disseminate, and advance the adoption of its consensus-based knowledge on concrete and its uses. Staff works in a friendly environment, where there is a sense of respect, trust, and integrity.
Click here to learn more about working at ACI.