Certification Programs

Shotcrete Inspector


A certified Shotcrete Inspector is an individual who has demonstrated the knowledge and experience required to properly inspect the placement of shotcrete. The Inspector must understand the responsibilities and qualification requirements of the Nozzleman as well as the inspection requirements as cited in the documents governing the construction of the project.

A certified Associate Shotcrete Inspector is an individual who is knowledgeable about inspection of shotcrete placement—including responsibilities and qualification requirements of the Nozzleman as well as the inspection requirements as cited in the documents governing the construction of the project—but does not have the experience required to qualify as an ACI Shotcrete Inspector.

Scope and Knowledge:

This program requires demonstration of the knowledge covered on the Job Task Analysis (JTA) for Shotcrete Inspector:

Job Task Analysis (JTA) for ACI Shotcrete Inspector Certification

The JTA is a detailed list of specific points of knowledge that may be included in the examination for this ACI Certification program. ACI urges candidates to use the JTA to prepare for the certification exam.

The program requires a working knowledge of the following documents:

  • ACI 305R-10 – Guide to Hot Weather Concreting
  • ACI 305.1-14 – Specification for Hot Weather Concreting
  • ACI 306R-16 – Guide to Cold Weather Concreting
  • ACI 306.1-90(02) – Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting
  • ACI 506R-16 – Guide to Shotcrete
  • ACI 506.1R-08 – Guide to Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete
  • ACI 506.2-13 – Specification for Shotcrete
  • ACI 506.4R-94(04) – Guide for the Evaluation of Shotcrete
  • ACI 506.6T-17 – Visual Shotcrete Core Quality Evaluation
  • ACI CCS-4(08) – Shotcrete for the Craftsman
  • ASTM C1140/C1140M-11 – Standard Practice for Preparing and Testing Specimens from Shotcrete Test Panels
  • ASTM C1604/C1604M-05(12) – Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores of Shotcrete
  • ASA Safety Guidelines for Shotcrete

Certification Requirements:
For Shotcrete Inspector: ACI will grant certification only to those individuals who:

  1. Obtain a passing grade on the written examination; and
  2. Fulfill the certification requirements in the field testing of concrete as follows:
    • Be currently certified as an ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I, ACI CSA-Standards Field Testing Technician, or CCIL Basic Concrete Field Type QF technician
    • OR
    • Pass the current ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I written exam within one year of passing the Inspector exam.
  3. Demonstrate satisfactory education and work experience.

Satisfactory work experience must include at least two of the following:

  • Testing, inspection, and quality control of shotcrete;
  • Supervision of shotcrete construction work;
  • Design of shotcrete structures;
  • Placement of shotcrete as a certified ACI Shotcreter.

Verification of the amount and range of work experience by the applicant's employer(s) is required.

The 120-minute written examination is open-book and consists of approximately 80 multiple-choice questions. The minimum passing grade for the examination is 75%.

Certification is valid for a period of five years from the date of successfully completing all requirements.

For Associate Shotcrete Inspector:

ACI will grant Associate-level certification to those candidates who meet the Field Testing Technician—Grade I requirements and pass the written examination. Certification is valid for a period of five years from the date of successfully completing these requirements.

Individuals with Associate certification can upgrade to full Inspector status upon submittal and approval of sufficient education/work experience. This upgraded certification status will be valid until the end of the original five-year term of Associate certification.


For all levels, recertification requires successful completion of the inspection examination (see item #1, above) plus fulfillment of the Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I requirement (see item #2, above). Re-submission of work experience is not required for recertification.

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Study Material:

Go to the ACI Bookstore on this website to order and/or obtain current pricing on any items listed below:

CP-61PACK: Shotcrete Inspector Reference Package

This package contains Program Information, JTA, sample exam, and select documents to prepare for the examinations for certification as an ACI Shotcrete Inspector.

Program Policy: