Continuing Education

Engineers will find ACI educational offerings very useful for learning about code and specification developments, learning about emerging technologies, and staying current with professional development requirements.

ACI University

ACI University provides on-demand educational access to a wide range of topics on design, materials, and concrete construction. Earn CEUs/PDHs for completed courses.

ACI Webinars

ACI Webinars are live, online seminars presented by industry experts and allow you to ask questions directly at the end of the presentation.

Free Online Education Presentations

Free Online Education Presentations are recorded at ACI Conventions and other industry events that cover a wide range of concrete-related topics, including concrete design, materials, construction practices, curing, and repair.

On-Demand Course: ACI 318-19 Changes to the Concrete Design Standard

Learn about the ACI 318-19 code with the online course through ACI University.

In-House Seminars

In-House Seminars bring ACI’s training and education expertise on a variety of concrete-technology-related topics right to your doorstep for your employees, customers, or members.

Education Documents

ACI Education Publications cover a variety of repair application procedures and materials for concrete