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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Using and handling pozzolans

Q. How is a pozzolan used in concrete and handled on the job?


A. It is used as part of the cementitious material either as part of a blended hydraulic cement (ASTM C595, ASTM C1157) or as a separate ingredient added at the concrete mixer (partial cement substitute). Pozzolans are handled the same as portland cement, in bulk or in sacks and batched by mass into the mixer, except that silica fume is sometimes batched as slurry.


References: SP-1(02); E3-13 ; SP-221; ACI CT-23; ACI 232.1R-12; ACI 232.2R-03; ACI 234R-06; ASTM C618; ASTM C1240; ASTM C595; ASTM C1157

Topics in Concrete: Pozzolan; Cementitious Material; Materials in Concrete; Concrete Fundamentals