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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Are any temperature limitations necessary in curing concrete in hot weather?

Q. Are any temperature limitations necessary in curing concrete in hot weather?


A. Too high a concrete temperature during placement may be disadvantageous. Upper limits are generally specified both for the initial temperature of the concrete and the air temperatures in which concrete may be placed (ACI PRC-305-20). If the high temperatures cause a high rate of evaporation during water curing, cracking may occur due to evaporative cooling. Steps such as using a plastic cover sheet can reduce evaporation (ACI 308).


References: SP-1(02); ACI PRC-305-20; ACI SPEC-305.1-14(20); ACI PRC-308-16

Topics in Concrete: Concrete Fundamentals; Hot Weather; Placing