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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Does additional curing improve the properties of concrete in other ways than in strength?

Q. Does additional curing improve the properties of concrete in other ways than in strength?


A. Yes. Desirable properties of concrete such as abrasion resistance, bond strength, and low permeability are improved by additional curing. Also, volumetric changes that may cause cracking are minimized (ACI 224R). Curing is of great importance in improving resistance to deterioration of concrete that is to be exposed to freezing and thawing in a saturated condition (ACI 306R).


References: SP-1(02); ACI 308R-16; ACI 224R-01; ACI 306R-16

Topics in Concrete: Cold Weather; Concrete Fundamentals; Cracking; Curing; Placing