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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Are polymer concrete and polymer-modified concrete used in repairs?

Q. Are polymer concrete and polymer-modified concrete used in repairs?


A. Polymer concrete is a composite material in which the aggregate is bound together in a matrix with a polymer binder. The composites do not contain hydrated cement as a binder, although portland cement can be used as an aggregate or filler. Polymer concrete can provide a fast-curing, high-strength patching material suitable for use in the repair of hydraulic cement concrete structures. Overlays of polymer concrete can provide a durable and wear resistant surface for hydraulic cement concrete. Polymer-modified concretes, such as latex-modified concrete, are widely used in overlays and contain hydrated cement phases (ACI 548.1R).


References: SP-1(02); 546.3R-14; 548.1R-09; 548.6R-19; ACI SPEC-548.13-21; ACI CODE-562-21; MNL-3(20)

Topics in Concrete: High Performance Concrete; Polymer Concrete; Repair of Concrete