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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Can trial mixtures be made with full-size batches at the start of a job?

Q. Can trial mixtures be made with full-size batches at the start of a job?


A. Yes, with the necessary improvements in succeeding batches. By starting with an over-mortared mixture, the adjustment to the desired workability can be made with less difficulty. The best practice is to make the full-size batches before the start of the job to enable appropriate adjustments in proportions if the specified concrete properties are not obtained. If small laboratory batches are made, still some adjustments in field batches may be necessary because of differences between laboratory and field conditions.


References: SP-1(02); ACI PRC-211.1-22

Topics in Concrete: Mixture Proportioning; Testing of Concrete