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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

How is strength estimated by the maturity method?

Q. How is strength estimated by the maturity method?


A. The maturity method is a technique to estimate in-place strength by accounting for the effects of temperature and time on strength development. The thermal history of the concrete and a maturity function are used to calculate a maturity index that quantifies the combined effects of time and temperature (ACI 228.1R) (ASTM C1074). The strength of a particular concrete mixture is expressed as a function of its maturity index by means of a empirically established strength-maturity relationship. The measured in-place maturity index is then used to estimate the in-place strength from the strength relationship.


References: SP-1(02); ACI 228.1R-19; ACI 228.2R-13; ASTM C1074

Topics in Concrete: Nondestructive Testing; Testing of Concrete