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Legacy building codes

Q. I'm analyzing a concrete moment frame building from the 1939-1940 era. I am trying to find the ACI building code used in the United States during that time. Was there an "ACI 318-39" or similar document?


A. In 1936 ACI published "The ACI Building Code - Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete" (Tentative Standard). This document was superseded in 1941 by ACI 318-41, "Building Regulations for Reinforced Concrete".

If you need copies of those codes, there are two ways to get them:

- We sell all of the historical codes (1908 through 2005) in a packaged bundle on a USB memory stick

- If you happen to subscribe to our ACI Collection Online, the historical codes are included with that package (you have to select “Historical” from the titles list in ACI Collection Search).


References: ACI 318 Historical ACI Building Code Requirements (1908-2005); ACI Collection OnlineACI CODE 562-21

Topics in Concrete: 318 Building Code; Repair of Concrete