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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Decorative concrete finishes

Q. Does ACI have documents or brochures on the different finishes that can be applied to concrete?


A. ACI has a document on floor finishes, ACI 310R, “Guide to Decorative Concrete”. The document is technical in nature. ACI 310R discusses the different types of techniques and materials used to create decorative finishes. ACI also has a craftsman series document on placing and finishing decorative concrete flatwork (CCS-5).

The Decorative Concrete Institute and the American Society of Concrete Contractors might also have some documents, brochures, or photos on the topic:


References: ACI 310R-19; ACI SPEC-310.1-20; CCS-5(16)

Topics in Concrete: Aesthetics in Concrete; Decorative Concrete; Slab, Concrete