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ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

How does the type of fiber (material, shape, and form) impact the design methodology used for fiber-reinforced concrete?

Q. How does the type of fiber (material, shape, and form) impact the design methodology used for fiber-reinforced concrete?


A. The type of fiber—its material, shape, and form—does not directly impact the design methodology for fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). Instead, these characteristics are accounted for indirectly through performance-based testing. Standardized test methods, such as ASTM C1609/C1609M, are used to evaluate the key performance properties of FRC. These test results provide the metrics needed to design fiber-reinforced concrete for specific applications.


ACI 544 documents provide comprehensive guidance on test methods for evaluating FRC properties and explain how to use these performance-based metrics in design methodologies, ensuring consistency and reliability regardless of fiber type.


References: ACI 544.1R, ACI 544.4R, ACI 544.2R, ACI 544.9R

Topics in Concrete: Concrete Fundamentals, Fiber Reinforced Concrete