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Technical Questions

ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Question: Could a sulfate-resisting cement and slag cement be combined and used for concrete exposed to su...

Question: Do we always need to repair cracked concrete?

Question: Maximum temperature limits for hot-weather concreting

Question: Standard specifications for cements

Question: Mixture design and strength submittals

Question: What are blended cements?

Question: Why is Type IV cement rarely produced and Type V cement rarely used?

Question: What is the difference between synthetic microfibers and macrofibers?

Question: Increasing the load capacity of a slab-on-ground using an overlay

Question: Effects of cement fineness on cement properties

Question: How should the concrete be consolidated to obtain a complete filling of the forms and around the...

Question: Consolidation of concrete—required or not?

Question: Characteristics of cement that affect compressive strength

Question: What is an expansive cement and what are the different types of expansive cement?

Question: What is minimum reinforcement for crack-width control and how is design accomplished using fiber?

Question: Form release agents

Question: Curing and curling of concrete slabs over vapor retarders

Question: How to Control Mass Concrete Temperature during Construction

Question: How do fibers affect the workability of concrete? Do fibers require additional water for placement?

Question: Material Requirements for Mass Concrete

Question: Popouts or popoffs?

Question: Temperature limits for mass concrete

Question: Why are fibers used in concrete?

Question: Will fiber-reinforced concrete have a hairy appearance?

Question: Are all fibers used in concrete the same?