Writing for ACI Journals

Thank you for considering the ACI Journals as the publication venue for your paper!

ACI Journal manuscripts must be within the area of interest of ACI and further the knowledge in concrete materials, design, and construction; be original in authorship and publication; be based on adequate factual record; and be significant in data or treatment. Peer reviewers will evaluate the suitability of the manuscript for publication and state justification for publication. Here are the life-cycle milestones of a successfully published paper:

  1. Write and format your technical paper.
  2. Submit the paper for initial peer review.
  3. The paper formatting will be checked by staff and reviewed by an Associate Editor to determine if the paper should move on to peer-review.
  4. The paper will be blind reviewed by a minimum of three reviewers.
  5. The reviewers will make one of four recommendations (accept, accept with revisions, decline with advice to rewrite and resubmit, and decline).
  6. Authors with papers accepted with revisions and authors with papers declined with advice to rewrite and resubmit will receive reviewers' comments to incorporate.
  7. Authors with accepted papers will submit the final version of their paper.
  8. The paper will be lightly copyedited, paginated, and published on the ACI website. Authors may receive queries from editorial staff and will receive the proofs of the manuscript to review before publication.
  9. Readers may choose to write a discussion of your published paper for which authors may provide a response.
  10. Outstanding papers are considered for ACI awards.

ACI Publications Policy sets the principles for all ACI publications. For detailed information on publication steps for manuscripts in the ACI Structural Journal and ACI Materials Journal, visit ACI Journal Publication Information.