Chapter Guide

The Chapter Guide describes the steps necessary to request and maintain affiliation with ACI as an official authorized chapter.

Download the full PDF of the Guide to Chapter Organization and Operation.

If ACI recognizes a local organization as a Chapter, this guide further prescribes the steps that Chapters must take to maintain their affiliation with ACI and what steps are taken at the end of affiliation, regardless of whether ACI or the Chapter chooses to end the affiliation. ACI reserves the right to deny affiliation to local organizations, to end affiliation with any chapter, or to take other action for reasons that include but are not limited to the following:
    • Chapter has aims or objectives that are inconsistent with ACI’s chartered aims and objectives;
    • Chapter fails or refuses to comply with ACI policies stated in this Chapter Guide or otherwise communicated to the local organization or Chapter;
    • Chapter appears not to have the organizational or financial ability to carry out the activities of a Chapter; or
    • Chapter becomes inactive.

Information in this Chapter Guide concerning Chapter programming, ideas for member recruitment, and resources ACI makes available to Chapters are merely suggestions and not binding on Chapters.