Hosting an ACI Convention

Chapters play an integral part in producing a convention.

To host a convention, chapters should consider the following: the number of available active volunteers to participate, current financial status, and goals for hosting a convention. The chapter Board of Directors should approve the request to host a future convention. A letter from the chapter Board of Directors confirming their support, along with a letter requesting to host a convention, must be submitted to Lauren Mentz, Director of Event Services:

Chapter Convention Guide

The Chapter Convention Guide is a detailed description of chapter responsibilities and compilation of timelines and examples that the Chapter Convention Committee (CCC) will use throughout the planning process. The Chapter Convention Guide continues to be a work in progress.

Part 1—Overview


This guide has been assembled to assist and inform ACI Chapters who are considering hosting, or have committed to host, an ACI Concrete Convention of their responsibilities. The requirements, suggestions, and recommendations set forth in this guide were established for developing successful and interesting conventions.

Conventions are significant in the overall success and operation of ACI. A function of conventions is to provide the opportunity for ACI members, through committees, to come together to formulate the Institute’s codes, standards, recommended practices, and administrative policies. An equally important function of conventions is to provide a forum for the presentation of technical and educational sessions. An ACI Concrete Convention is a forum for persons interested in the cement and concrete construction industries to share ideas, discuss and resolve problems, and network with individuals involved in these disciplines. The local Chapter hosting the convention helps provide an enjoyable atmosphere in which the convention attendees can achieve their goals.

ACI holds two conventions a year—one in the spring (mid-March to mid-April), and one in the fall (mid-October to mid-November)—and typically attracts 1700 to 2100 attendees per convention, dependent upon location. A convention is 4 days in length (Sunday through Wednesday, with some activities before/after). The location for a convention is typically selected 4 to 6 years in advance. The destination is thoroughly evaluated by ACI staff. Criteria for site selection include:

    • Financial impact to attendee, exhibitors, Chapter, and Institute
    • Ample meeting space in no more than two venues
    • Ample sleeping rooms connected or close to meeting space
    • Availability of preferred dates (Spring: mid-March to mid-April; Fall: mid-October to mid-November; avoiding holidays)
    • Adequate number of nonstop flights and competitive air carriers
    • Adequate economical and reliable ground transportation options
    • Restaurants withing proximity and at varying price points
    • Attractiveness of destination to attendees
    • Additional requirements based on specific convention and/or destination

Types of Conventions

There are two types of convention formats. One format places the financial responsibility with ACI and the other format places the financial responsibility with the Chapter. Following are the two types.

ACI-Funded Conventions

With an ACI-Funded Convention, ACI staff is responsible for all the fundraising for the convention, as well as certain convention expenses. Here is the breakdown of both the ACI and Chapter responsibilities for an ACI-Funded Convention.

ACI Staff

    • Handle all fundraising for the convention, including sponsorship sales
    • Host and sponsor the Opening Reception
    • Host and sponsor the Concrete Mixer
    • Coordinate with the local host Chapter
    • Coordinate guest tours (optional)

*ACI Event Services handles all core planning responsibilities and logistics associated with all ACI Concrete Conventions regardless of the type/format.


    • Coordinate speaker for Student Awards Program
    • Coordinate technical sessions (optional)
    • Coordinate technical tours (optional)
    • Provide ideas for activities in the host city
    • Coordinate guest tours (optional)
    • Assist with Student Competition and judging
    • Set up and staff Chapter information desk at the convention prior to and during the actual convention
    • Promote Student Competition participation to local/regional schools
    • Develop, purchase, and distribute convention pins
    • Promote the convention locally and regionally
    • Sponsor a promotional item, coffee break, networking event, etc. (optional)
    • Assist ACI Staff with a list of potential local leads for sponsorships

*Chapters can expect to spend approximately $5,000 to $50,000+ on an ACI-Funded Convention depending on how many optional items they would like to organize.

See Part 2 for detailed information on the roles/responsibilities of the CCC in an ACI-funded Convention.

Chapter-Funded Conventions

With a Chapter-Funded Convention, the host Chapter handles all the fundraising for the convention, as well as certain convention expenses. Here is a breakdown of both the Chapter and ACI staff responsibilities for a Chapter-Funded Convention.


    • Handle all fundraising for the convention, including sponsorship sales. Typically, the Chapter must raise between $175,000 and $325,000, depending on the destination
    • Host and sponsor the Opening Reception
    • Host and sponsor the Concrete Mixer
    • Coordinate speaker for Student Awards Program
    • Coordinate technical sessions (optional)
    • Coordinate guest tours (optional)
    • Assist with Student Competition and judging
    • Setup and staff the Chapter information desk at the convention prior to and during the actual convention
    • Promote Student Competition participation to local/regional schools
    • Coordinate volunteers
    • Develop, purchase, and distribute convention pins
    • Promote the convention locally and regionally

ACI Staff

    • Coordinate with the host Chapter
    • Coordinate guest tours (optional)

*ACI Event Services handles all core planning responsibilities and logistics associated with all ACI Concrete Conventions regardless of the type/format.

The commitments to host a Chapter-Funded Convention deal directly with the host Chapter’s pledge to raise the funds necessary to host and sponsor the above activities. Each host Chapter must sign a Good Faith Agreement, shown as Exhibit A. Specific responsibilities for convention activities are detailed in the following sections. In addition, Exhibit B depicts a complete timeline of Chapter activities.

See Part 3 for detailed information on the roles/responsibilities of the CCC in a Chapter-funded Convention.

Chapter Convention Committee (CCC)

Chapter Convention Committee Role

The Chapter should form a Chapter Convention Committee (CCC) to coordinate convention activities. A representative of the CCC should attend all conventions and key committee meetings (Hot Topic, S801, etc.) a minimum of 2 years preceding the convention date. A committee roster for the CCC should be submitted to ACI Event Services prior to each convention. Exhibit C depicts a sample committee roster.

CCC Structure

Chapters should strongly consider using two Co-Chairs to lead the CCC as well as the subcommittees. The use of Co-Chairs to oversee the CCC and subcommittees results in a more equitable dispersion of the workload. The organization of a convention can be broken down into several subcommittees (see Parts 2 and 3).

CCC Reports

Beginning 2 years prior to a convention, the Chapter is required to report to ACI Staff on the planning efforts of the host Chapter. Exhibit D shows the reports required by ACI staff and their accompanying due dates.

Only the final details and the necessary changes should be left for the last 6 months. Each subcommittee Chair should target all major decisions, approvals, and commitments to be completed 2 months prior to the convention.

The CCC should develop a final report following the convention and submit it to ACI staff. The final report should include the following:

    • Total budget amount
    • Amount raised from sponsors, including individual amounts (Chapter-Funded Convention only)
    • Attendance figures
    • Chapter’s overall experience hosting the convention
    • Information about the structure of the committee and volunteers used during the convention
    • What worked and what did not
    • Suggestions for future Chapters

General Information

The Co-Chairs are the thread between the subcommittees and ACI staff. It is important that they communicate frequently with both parties.

Suggestions for Selecting Chair/Co-Chairs

    • Start early! Select the convention Co-Chairs, and subcommittee Chairs at least 3 years in advance.
    • If possible, select convention Co-Chairs who are not involved with too many ACI committees.
    • Select Co-Chairs who are familiar with managing multiple groups or projects all working toward a common goal.
    • Select as many subcommittee Chairs as possible who have attended an ACI Concrete Convention in the past.
    • Select Co-Chairs and Subcommittee Chairs who are not timid about delegating responsibilities and overseeing their completion. Volunteers are prepared to help but are often hesitant to manage tasks without guidance from a Chair.
    • If a Subcommittee Chair is not keeping up with deadlines, the Co-Chairs should be ready to replace them. A successful, tactful method of replacing a substandard Chair is to re-designate them as a Co-Chair and select another person as the new Chair. This can keep everyone who originally volunteered involved.

Chapter Convention Committee Meetings

The CCC should pay close attention to the timeline for convention preparation. Initially, the CCC should hold meetings on an annual or semi-annual basis. Six months to a year before the convention, the frequency of the meetings should increase to every 1 to 2 months. Six weeks before the convention, meetings should be held every 2 weeks. Those Chapters hosting an ACI-Funded Convention may not be required to meet as often. With vacations and normal construction activities, very little is accomplished June 1 through September 1. The CCC should plan accordingly. Minutes should be kept at each of these meetings and a copy sent to ACI Event Services.

Convention Registration

Members of the CCC will receive a complimentary convention registration for attendance at their hosted convention only. ACI staff will provide volunteer name badges at no charge to volunteers who staff the Chapter Desk or assisting in another capacity. These volunteers are not permitted to attend committee meetings, sessions, or networking events. All other individuals attending the convention must register and pay the convention registration fee.

Convention Budget

The Co-Chairs should create a budget with input from the subcommittees and ACI Event Services. A sample budget worksheet is shown as Exhibit M. Chapters hosting an ACI-Funded Convention can expect to budget $5,000 to $50,000+ depending on how many optional items they would like to organize; see Part 2 of this guide for more information. Chapters hosting a Chapter-Funded Convention should expect to budget $175,000 to $325,000+ to cover the funds needed to host and sponsor the required convention activities; see Part 3 of this guide for more information.

Hotel/Vendor Contracts

ACI contracts with hotels and meeting facilities 4 to 6 years in advance of the convention. When a host Chapter commits to a convention, it is important to know that ACI commits to certain conditions in the venue contract that may affect the host Chapter. The CCC should be aware of the following general rules:

    • Venues require that all food and beverage in the venue be provided by the venue.
    • NO outside food or beverages may be brought into the venue for a function being held in that venue. However, in some cases, the venue will agree to outside food and beverage, but surcharges will apply in those cases. These charges are passed on to the group or individual who brings in outside food and beverage.
    • Venues require ACI to meet a food and beverage minimum. ACI relies on food and beverages events from Chapter-Funded Conventions to assist in meeting these minimums. Failure to meet this amount may result in financial penalties to ACI. It is very important that the host Chapter assist ACI in maintaining the integrity of this portion of the contract.
    • Venues do not allow ACI or its host Chapters to publicize or refer attendees to other hotels. ACI is contractually obligated to reach a minimum number of guest room reservations. Should ACI not meet the sleeping room block minimum as committed in the contract, ACI could be liable for substantial charges for the use of the meeting space and the shortfall for sleeping rooms.

Each hotel and city has requirements specific to that location. It is highly recommended that the Co-Chairs discuss with ACI’s Director of Event Services the contract for your city in case there are additional conditions for which you should be aware.

For a Chapter-Funded Convention, the host Chapter may need to contract a location for the Concrete Mixer Reception, arrange for transportation, select a tour company, etc. In these instances, the Chapter is required to send the contract to ACI Event Services for review prior to the signing of any contract. This is to ensure that the Chapter is adequately represented in the agreement and not subjecting the Chapter to any contractual obligations they cannot meet.

Use of ACI Logo

To meet the requirements of the ACI Brand Guidelines, which were designed to protect the integrity of the ACI logo, ACI Event Services must approve the use of the ACI logo on letterhead, flyers, handouts, and any materials produced for promotional purposes. ACI staff can assist with developing these materials if necessary. Please contact ACI Event Services for assistance. An example of the correct usage of the ACI logo is shown as Exhibit E.

Convention Logo

The ACI Concrete Convention is an ACI-branded event with its own dedicated logo and brand guidelines. All convention material developed and distributed by ACI and/or the Chapter must include the convention logo and follow the convention logo brand guidelines. The convention logo brand guidelines are shown as Exhibit E.

Chapter Pin Logo

The CCC may design their own Chapter pin logo. This Chapter pin logo may appear on any of the materials that the CCC develops, including items such as the convention pin, sponsorship materials, Chapter t-shirts, CCC letterhead, promotional materials, and any other items the CCC will distribute independent from ACI. Every Chapter pin logo must incorporate the ACI logo and the year the convention will be held. To protect the integrity of the ACI logo and to ensure the ACI logo is used in a manner consistent with the ACI Brand Guidelines, all Chapter pin logos must be approved by ACI staff. ACI graphic designers are available to assist with logo development and design at no charge. During logo development, Chapters should take into consideration the number of colors used for promotional printing and/or embroidery purposes. Any ACI graphic design changes requested by the Chapter after the final logo is approved will be billed to the Chapter at $100 per occurrence.

Hot Topic Session

The Hot Topic Committee, a subcommittee of the Educational Activities Committee (EAC) in collaboration with the CCC, selects a “Hot Topic” for presentation at an upcoming Hot Topic Session. This event is typically held on the first night of the convention after the Opening Reception. It is usually a timely topic of general interest to convention attendees. The CCC may request to co-sponsor the Hot Topic Session for their convention. CCC members should attend Hot Topic Committee meetings to provide input on topics selected for their convention, beginning no later than 12 months prior to the convention. Please note, the Hot Topic Committee makes the final determination on what topics are selected for conventions. In rare instances, an approved topic submitted by the CCC may be cancelled, should an urgent topic within the industry take precedence.

Chapter Functions at Convention

The host Chapter is strongly discouraged from holding a Chapter function, such as a Chapter Dinner Meeting, during the convention week. Experience shows that attendance by your Chapter officers, the ACI President, or similar can be difficult with the demands on their time during the convention week.

Chapter Hotel Suite

For the duration of the convention, the host Chapter is furnished with a complimentary hotel suite. The suite is provided by ACI; however, any incidental charges (movies, room service, phone calls, Internet, etc.) are the responsibility of the Chapter. This suite is provided for the host Chapter to have a place to hold meetings during the convention, provide a location for Chapter members to gather, or to host sponsors or others who have helped support the convention. The Chair or Co-Chair of the convention customarily resides in this suite, but it should not be regarded as a personal room and should not be used for personal functions. This room may not be given to other attendees for their private use.

The Chapter, at their discretion, can plan a Chapter function with beverages and snacks in the Chapter suite to thank the CCC members for their hard work. Such functions should not conflict with any other ACI-sponsored events (Opening Session, Opening Reception, Concrete Mixer, Excellence Gala, and President’s Reception). ACI Event Services can assist with making the arrangements for this event and will bill the Chapter for any costs incurred following the convention.

Chapter Sleeping Rooms

Except for the Chapter Hotel Suite, any members of the Chapter wishing to stay at the hotel are responsible for the payment of their own hotel room and incidental charges. It is recommended (but not required) that each subcommittee Chair and all other individuals heavily involved from the local Chapter stay at the hotel for the duration of the convention to ensure traffic or other obstructions will not delay their arrival.

Convention Volunteers and Chapter Desk

Chapters should plan to recruit volunteers to assist during the convention. Volunteers are needed to staff the Chapter’s information desk, greet/direct attendees, assist with the Student Competition, provide directions, etc. ACI will supply a name badge for those volunteering at the convention.

The CCC will be provided with an information desk near the exhibit area at their convention as well as the convention prior. This information desk is staffed by Chapter volunteers who can answer questions about the local area and promote convention activities. The Chapter Desk should be staffed (with a minimum of two volunteers) while the exhibit area is open (Saturday from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm; Sunday through Tuesday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; and Sunday during the Opening Reception).

Opening Session

The Co-Chairs will be invited on-stage during the Opening Session to welcome attendees to the convention. The Co-Chairs may wish to cover the following in their comments:

    • Welcome to the city
    • A thank-you to the host Chapter, CCC members, or other related partners
    • Events that the Chapter has put together
      • Special events or tours
      • Sessions sponsored by the Chapter
      • Visiting the exhibiting sponsors
    • Last-minute housekeeping items provided by ACI Event Services

The Chapter will have up to 2 minutes to address the audience during the Opening Session. It is highly recommended that the Chapter submit a script to ACI in advance.

Part 2—ACI-Funded Convention Guide

CCC Role in ACI-Funded Convention

The CCC Role in an ACI-Funded Convention is to help support the ACI Concrete Convention by developing select program content, providing volunteers, assisting with the Student Competition, promoting the convention in the local area, and being overall ambassadors for the convention. To achieve this, it is recommended that the CCC develop the following subcommittees to assist with these objectives.

Finance Subcommittee

Overview: The Finance Subcommittee’s objective is to manage the funds needed to cover the CCC responsibilities and financial commitments for an ACI-Funded Convention. An ACI-Funded Convention requires a much smaller financial commitment from the host Chapter. Chapters can successfully host a standard ACI-Funded Convention for as little as $5,000. Some host Chapters elect to spend additional money to enhance a standard convention and could spend upward of $50,000 to cover optional expenses.

CCC Responsibilities and Expenses:

    • Obtain enough funds to cover the CCC’s convention expenses
    • Chapter pins
    • Promotion of convention at the convention prior
    • Chapter shirts (optional) CCC flyers and postage (optional)
    • Posters/advertising for the convention in the local area (optional)
    • Incidentals for Chapter suite incurred by the CCC (if any)
    • Attendee giveaways (optional) Banking fees (if any)
    • Student Competition refreshments (optional)
    • Hot Topic Session refreshments (optional)
    • Parking passes for volunteers (optional)
    • Sponsor a portion of the Concrete Mixer or Opening Reception (optional)

Local-Level Fundraising
Chapters hosting an ACI-Funded Convention in which fundraising is needed to cover their convention responsibilities and expenses can be done through local Chapter fundraising activities that take place outside of the ACI Convention. These could include local fundraising events, golf outings, etc. Please note, any sponsors of local fundraising events/efforts (for example, chapter golf outing) cannot be recognized as an official convention sponsor. Only sponsors donating directly to the ACI Concrete Convention will be recognized as a convention sponsor.

Treasurer Subcommittee

Overview: The CCC should designate a separate individual to be the Treasurer. The convention funds should be administered in a separate account from the Chapter’s funds. There should be at least two people with check-writing authority.

Goal: Keep track of CCC income and expenses and ensure a balanced budget.


    • Set up and maintain the CCC bank account;
    • Handle payables and receivables;
    • Maintain/update the budget;
    • Work with ACI Staff on tracking exhibit and sponsor payments; and
    • If applicable, review and pay Chapter Balance Report/Invoice prepared by ACI Staff for any Chapter expenses paid by ACI on behalf of the Chapter.

Secretary Subcommittee

Overview: The CCC will hold several meetings in the years leading up to the convention. Agendas are an imperative element to keep meetings organized and effectively communicate with CCC members and ACI Event Services. Minutes of each meeting are also required to be kept and submitted to ACI Event Services. The CCC should designate a separate individual to be the Secretary.

Goal: Keep effective minutes of each meeting held by the CCC.

Responsibilities: This individual is responsible for transcribing and distributing agendas and minutes of the meetings to the CCC and ACI Event Services in a timely fashion.

Volunteer Subcommittee

Overview: Volunteers are essential to the success of the convention. The Chapter may wish to obtain an individual to coordinate volunteers during the convention week.

Goal: Develop a team of volunteers to assist with the convention onsite operations.


    • Determine number of volunteers needed;
    • Recruit volunteers;
    • Assign responsibilities;
    • Provide information on where to meet/check-in;
    • Provide a list of volunteers who need name badges to ACI;
    • Reconfirm volunteers the week prior;
    • Ensure they show up. It’s a good idea to have them check in at the Chapter desk and then go to their designated activity. That way, they get any last-minute instructions and pick up their name badge; and
    • Answer volunteer questions.

Chapters should plan to recruit volunteers to assist during the convention. Volunteers are needed to staff the Chapter’s information desk, direct attendees, usher at the Opening Session, and greet/direct attendees upon arrival at the hotels. ACI supplies a volunteer name badge for those volunteering at the convention.

The CCC will be provided with an information desk near the exhibit area at their convention as well as the convention prior. This information desk is staffed by Chapter volunteers who can answer questions about the local area and promote convention activities. The Chapter Desk should be staffed (with a minimum of two volunteers) while the exhibit area is open (generally, Saturday from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm; Sunday through Tuesday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; and during the Opening Reception on Sunday).

Guest Program Subcommittee

Overview: Approximately 50 to 100 guests travel to the convention with attendees. The Guest Program provides these guests with opportunities to explore the local area, get to know other guests, and have a place to gather during the day. Refer to Exhibit B for a timeline.

Goal: Provide guests with information about recreational activities/tours that would be of interest to guests. Chapters have the option to coordinate scheduled tours, although this is not a requirement.


    • Guest Overview
    • Arrange recreational activities/tours (optional)

Guest Hospitality
The Guest Hospitality lounge is a location during the convention for guests to meet one another and enjoy morning refreshments. ACI will provide refreshments each morning 7:00 am – 10:00 am from Sunday through Wednesday.

Guest Overview
The Guest Hospitality lounge is a location during the convention for guests to meet one another and enjoy morning refreshments. ACI will provide refreshments each morning 7:00 am – 10:00 am from Sunday through Wednesday.

Guest Registration
All guest and tour registrations are processed through ACI. The CCC will receive all revenue from the guest tours (if the tour fees are going to be paid by the CCC to the tour company) following the convention. The Chapter and/or tour company may not collect tour registration fees on their own.

Guest Program Brochure
ACI Staff will develop and print a brochure to be distributed to every registered guest. This brochure will list tours and activities that the CCC has arranged, or that guests may do on their own (if the CCC chooses not to arrange tours). The brochure will also highlight activities taking place at the convention that guests are welcome to attend.

Recreational Activities/Tours (Optional)
The Chapter has the option to arrange for scheduled activities/tours for guests and attendees. Typical activities include museum tours, shopping, or tourist and historical attractions. The tours should be 3 to 5 hours in length. ACI Staff must approve any tours 6 to 12 months in advance of the convention. ACI Event Services must review all tour contracts prior to the CCC signing the tour contract. ACI staff may also negotiate for tours and can sign tour contracts on behalf of the CCC, with prior approval from the CCC.

Tour Requirements:

      • All tours should end by 4:00 pm (unless an evening activity is being planned and doesn’t conflict with any official convention activities).
      • Tours must not conflict with official convention activities (Opening Session, Opening Reception, Gala, President’s Reception, and Concrete Mixer).
      • All contracts must be reviewed by ACI Event Services prior to finalizing and signing the contract.
      • Develop a survey to be distributed to guests 12 to 18 months in advance of the convention. A sample survey is shown as Exhibit G. This will allow the CCC to create a tour program that will be attractive to guests as well as meet the minimum numbers required by tour companies.
      • Check references of tour company.
      • If the tour runs through the lunch hour, lunch must be provided in the tour price or time must be allotted for lunch.
      • The Chapter is responsible for payment of any fees for tour and/or transportation companies.
      • Develop contingency arrangements for tours that must be cancelled due to lack of interest.
      • Be aware of deadlines for tour cancellation and provide this information to ACI Event Services.
      • Send out a Request for Proposal (RFP) and obtain quotes from multiple tour providers.
      • Ensure adequate transportation for tours and other off-property events is arranged.
      • Establish a ticket price for each tour. If the CCC wishes to offer a tour that is free to attendees, it is recommended (but not required) that the CCC charge a minimal fee ($5, for example) to reduce the number of “no-shows” who sign up for the tour, but don’t attend. This will hold the attendee financially responsible for attending the tour and will assist the CCC in covering the cost of the tour.
      • To offset the cost of tours that do not meet the minimum required to break even, add 10 to 15% to the price of the tour, or be prepared to absorb the cost to run the tour.
      • Any transportation providers must have a minimum of $1,000,000 in public liability and property damage insurance valid over the dates of service, must hold the Chapter harmless, and must provide certificates of insurance at the time of the contract.

Publicity Subcommittee

Overview: The Publicity Subcommittee coordinates and executes the promotion of the convention to the local area and to the attendees of the convention prior through various mediums. All promotional materials must be approved by ACI Event Services. Refer to Exhibit B for the timeline.

Promotional Opportunities:

    • ACI Headquarters has graphic designers on staff who can assist in the development of promotional materials. There is no charge to use the ACI graphic designers; however, reasonable advance notice is required.
    • Create or update a Chapter website and include convention information and local links.
    • Distribute digital convention preview (developed by ACI) to local area contacts. Digital convention previews will be provided to the Chapter approximately 3 months prior to the convention.
    • Use posters, flyers, brochures, and Convention Previews to promote the convention in the local area and to the host Chapter membership. Distribute these items to engineering offices, engineering schools, government offices, construction site offices, local direct mail, local engineering/construction/trade associations, and chapter mailing/digital mailing list.
    • Chapter Banner (Chapter to produce). (optional)
    • Develop a flyer/brochure to pass out at the convention prior describing tours, special events, Concrete Mixer, Architects’ Day, technical session(s), and other. (Note: This brochure/flyer must be reviewed prior to printing by ACI Event Services.) (optional)
    • Convention pins to promote the upcoming convention. A quantity of 2000 to 2500 is recommended. Pins should not exceed 1 x 1 in. in size. Convention pin must be approved by ACI Event Services.
    • Obtain brochures of local attractions, restaurants, and maps from the Convention and Visitors Bureau to be distributed at the convention and the convention prior.
    • The Chapter is required to staff and maintain an information desk at their convention and the convention prior. Promotional materials can be distributed to attendees, and Chapter volunteers can answer questions about the convention and destination.
    • ACI’s Event Services and Marketing Departments send press releases promoting the convention. It is recommended that you coordinate your local efforts with ACI Headquarters, as ACI staff may have already developed some material you can use.

Student Program Subcommittee

Overview: The Student Program Subcommittee works with ACI Event Services and ACI Committee S801, Student Competitions, to provide support for and build awareness of the Student Competition and student programs at the convention. There are usually 40+ teams of five students for each competition. See Exhibit B for the timeline.

Student Competition Responsibilities:

    • ACI Staff
      • Coordinate with S801 (ACI Student Competition Coordinator).
      • Promote student competition nationally (ACI Marketing).
      • Register students for competition and compile list of teams to be given to S801 (ACI Student Competition Coordinator).
      • Coordinate logistics (location, device, setup, and seating) as needed (ACI Event Services).
    • CCC
      • Attend the S801 Committee Meeting and Student Programs at the two conventions prior.
      • Promote student competition in local area.
      • Work with ACI Event Services to arrange for refreshments (optional).
      • Obtain and coordinate judges with S801.
      • Provide a bilingual emcee (Spanish speaking).
      • Coordinate with S801 on any competition specific requirements.
    • S801
      • Determine what competition will take place at each convention.
      • Develop competition rules and requirements.
      • Coordinate with the ACI Student Competition Coordinator.
      • Monitor and help with competition.

Student Awards Program Responsibilities:

    • ACI Staff
      • Arrange for all food and beverage, room location, and setup for the event.
    • CCC
      • Select a featured speaker/topic for the event that appeals to students. Speaker will be approved by ACI Event Services.
      • Featured speaker is typically a volunteer within the industry. In some cases, the CCC has hired a professional speaker at their own expense; however, this is not required nor expected.
      • Promote attendance to local colleges and universities.
    • S801
      • Present awards for the Student Competition during the event.

Technical Session Subcommittee

Overview: The Technical Session Subcommittee coordinates and develops sessions of local interest to be presented at the convention. See Exhibit B for timeline.

Goal: Coordinate and organize one to three sessions that include topics of special interest in the local area. The subcommittee may organize a technical tour to a local construction project or historical site that is of interest to convention attendees.


    • Solicit, receive, review, and select suitable papers for presentation. Approval is required from the Technical Activities Committee (TAC) a minimum of 12 months prior to the convention. However, ACI Staff will schedule and allocate sessions. For session criteria and approval forms, please visit
    • Appoint a moderator and co-moderator for each session who will coordinate and introduce the speakers and monitor A/V equipment. Moderators may be part of the Technical Session Subcommittee. For specific session moderator responsibilities and training material, please refer to
    • Be sure to have substitute speakers available for emergencies. If a speaker does not show up, do not rearrange the session speakers. Attendees often schedule their time at a convention to attend a particular presentation.
    • Send all final session information (speaker names, co-author names, speaker and co-author contact information, presentation titles, and order of presentations) for their sessions to ACI Event Services 6 months prior to the convention.
    • Technical tours (optional) must be coordinated with the ACI Event Services. Arrangement and payment of transportation is coordinated by the CCC.

Part 3—Chapter-Funded Convention Guide

CCC Role in a Chapter-Funded Convention

The CCC Role in a Chapter-Funded Convention is to help support the ACI Concrete Convention by developing select program content, fundraising through sponsorship, providing volunteers, assisting with the Student Competition, promoting the convention in the local area, financing select social events, and being overall ambassadors for the convention. To achieve this, it is recommended that the CCC develop the following subcommittees to assist with these objectives.

Fundraising Subcommittee

Overview: The Fundraising Subcommittee’s objective is to raise money to fund CCC responsibilities and financial commitments. A Chapter-Funded Convention requires a significant financial commitment from the host chapter and must work closely with ACI Business Development staff on this effort. Depending on the cost of living/expenses in a destination, host chapters should expect to raise between $175,000 and $325,000+ to cover their convention expenses.

Goal: To raise funds necessary to cover CCC expenses and convention responsibilities.

CCC General Responsibilities/Expenses:

    • Raise funds to cover all CCC financial commitments
    • Opening Reception (see Social Events Subcommittee for details)
    • Concrete Mixer (see Social Events Subcommittee for details)
    • Exhibit-related expenses such as rental, administrative, and decorator fees
    • Registration fees for convention sponsors (if included as a sponsor benefit)
    • Chapter pins
    • Promote convention at the convention prior
    • Guest Program (see Guest Program Subcommittee for details) (optional)
    • Appreciation reception for convention contributors (optional)
    • Gratuities (transportation drivers, tour guides, etc.)
    • Potential losses from Guest Program/Tours
    • Ads in industry magazines, social media, etc. (optional)
    • Chapter shirts (optional)
    • CCC flyers and postage (optional)
    • Posters/advertising for the convention in the local area (optional)
    • Convention registration and travel for CCC members (optional)
    • Incidentals for Chapter suite incurred by the CCC (if any)
    • Attendee giveaways (optional)
    • Student Competition refreshments (optional)
    • Hot Topic Session refreshments (optional)
    • Parking passes for volunteers (optional)

Fundraising through Sponsorship
The primary way Chapter-Funded Conventions raise money to cover responsibilities and expenses is to sell sponsorships for the convention. Sponsorship also includes the option for sponsors to exhibit at the convention; these sponsors are referred to as exhibiting sponsors. The host Chapter will work closely with ACI Business Development staff on the best strategy for selling sponsorships for their convention.

CCC Responsibilities and Expenses Specific to Sponsorship:

    • Sell sponsorships beginning at least 12 months in advance of the convention.
    • Use local Chapter connections to target potential local sponsors.
    • Review sponsor prospectus developed by staff and determine if Chapter would like to include any additional benefits.
    • Coordinate with ACI Staff on sponsorship efforts and organization (sponsor applications, shared tracking spreadsheets, exhibit floorplan, etc.).
    • Distribute finalized sponsorship prospectus and exhibit floorplan to prospective sponsors.
    • Payment of any exhibit-related decorator expenses, including power/water (if included with booth package to exhibitors). Typical booth packages include table, chairs, trashcan, drape, company sign, etc.
    • In some venues, there may be a venue/exhibit hall rental fee. The Chapter is responsible for paying the portion of the rental fee associated with the amount of exhibit space used.
    • The CCC is responsible for paying ACI an administrative fee of $150 per exhibit booth to supplement the cost of materials and staff time spent working on the coordination of exhibits.
    • Thank sponsors and exhibiting sponsors during the convention.

ACI Staff Responsibilities Specific to Sponsorship:

    • Develop preliminary sponsor prospectus outlining sponsorship levels and benefits.
    • Work with CCC on fundraising leads/tactics.
    • Allocate function space for exhibits typically 12 to 18 months prior to the convention.
    • Negotiate/sign an agreement with a general service contractor (decorator) for the exhibit hall.
    • Develop floorplan with contracted decorator.
    • Assign booth space for exhibiting sponsors.
    • Ensure sponsor benefits are delivered.
    • Manage exhibiting sponsor logistics (insurance certificates, move in/out, etc.).
    • Onsite setup of exhibit hall.
    • Arrange for overnight security in exhibit hall.

Sponsorship Prospectus

ACI Business Development staff will prepare a sponsor prospectus for the convention. This promotional document will share with prospective sponsors information on the value and benefits of sponsoring the ACI Concrete Convention. The sponsor prospectus is typically prepared approximately 12 months in advance of the convention. The sponsor prospectus also includes all approved show guidelines for the convention, including those specific to exhibiting sponsors. An example sponsor prospectus can be found in Exhibit J.

Treasurer Subcommittee

Overview: The CCC should designate a separate individual to be the Treasurer. The convention funds should be administered in a separate account from the Chapter’s funds. There should be at least two people with check-writing authority.

Goal: Keep track of CCC income and expenses and ensure a balanced budget.


    • Set up and maintain the CCC bank account;
    • Handle payables and receivables;
    • Maintain/update the budget;
    • Work with ACI Staff on tracking exhibit and sponsor payments; and
    • If applicable, review and pay Chapter Balance Report/Invoice prepared by ACI Staff for any Chapter expenses paid by ACI on behalf of the Chapter.

Secretary Subcommittee

Overview: The CCC will hold several meetings in the years leading up to the convention. Agendas are an imperative element to keep meetings organized and effectively communicate with CCC members and ACI Event Services. Minutes of each meeting are also required to be kept and submitted to ACI Event Services. The CCC should designate a separate individual to be the Secretary.

Goal: Keep effective minutes of each meeting held by the CCC.

Responsibilities: This individual is responsible for transcribing and distributing agendas and minutes of the meetings to the CCC and ACI Event Services in a timely fashion.

Volunteer Subcommittee

Overview: Volunteers are essential to the success of the convention. The Chapter may wish to obtain an individual to coordinate volunteers during the convention week.

Goal: Develop a team of volunteers to assist with the convention onsite operations.


    • Determine number of volunteers needed;
    • Recruit volunteers;
    • Assign responsibilities;
    • Provide information on where to meet/check-in;
    • Provide a list of volunteers who need name badges to ACI;
    • Reconfirm volunteers the week prior;
    • Ensure they show up. It’s a good idea to have them check in at the Chapter desk and then go to their designated activity. That way, they get any last-minute instructions and pick up their name badge; and
    • Answer volunteer questions.

Chapters should plan to recruit volunteers to assist during the convention. Volunteers are needed to staff the Chapter’s information desk, direct attendees, usher at the Opening Session, and greet/direct attendees upon arrival at the hotels. ACI supplies a volunteer name badge for those volunteering at the convention.

The CCC will be provided with an information desk near the exhibit area at their convention as well as the convention prior. This information desk is staffed by Chapter volunteers who can answer questions about the local area and promote convention activities. The Chapter Desk should be staffed (with a minimum of two volunteers) while the exhibit area is open (generally, Saturday from 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm; Sunday through Tuesday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; and during the Opening Reception on Sunday).

Guest Program Subcommittee

Overview: Approximately 50 to 100 guests travel to the convention with attendees. The Guest Program provides these guests with opportunities to explore the local area, get to know other guests, and have a place to gather during the day. Refer to Exhibit B for a timeline.

Goal: Provide guests with information about recreational activities/tours that would be of interest to guests. Chapters have the option to coordinate scheduled tours, although this is not a requirement.


    • Guest Overview
    • Arrange recreational activities/tours (optional)

Guest Hospitality
The Guest Hospitality lounge is a location during the convention for guests to meet one another and enjoy morning refreshments. ACI will provide refreshments each morning 7:00 am – 10:00 am from Sunday through Wednesday.

Guest Overview
The CCC should provide pamphlets, maps, and other pertinent information regarding the local area to guests and attendees at their convention and the convention prior. The CCC should also make a presentation at the Guest Overview (Sunday) during their convention and the two conventions prior to promote the destination and tours (if applicable) to convention guests. The presentation may include a PowerPoint presentation or video and should be approximately 5 to 10 minutes long. Audio/visual needs should be coordinated with ACI Event Services.

Guest Registration
All guest and tour registrations are processed through ACI. The CCC will receive all revenue from the guest tours (if the tour fees are going to be paid by the CCC to the tour company) following the convention. The Chapter and/or tour company may not collect tour registration fees on their own.

Guest Program Brochure
ACI Staff will develop and print a brochure to be distributed to every registered guest. This brochure will list tours and activities that the CCC has arranged, or that guests may do on their own (if the CCC chooses not to arrange tours). The brochure will also highlight activities taking place at the convention that guests are welcome to attend.

Recreational Activities/Tours (Optional)
The Chapter has the option to arrange for scheduled activities/tours for guests and attendees. Typical activities include museum tours, shopping, or tourist and historical attractions. The tours should be 3 to 5 hours in length. ACI Staff must approve any tours 6 to 12 months in advance of the convention. ACI Event Services must review all tour contracts prior to the CCC signing the tour contract. ACI staff may also negotiate for tours and can sign tour contracts on behalf of the CCC, with prior approval from the CCC.

Tour Requirements:

      • All tours should end by 4:00 pm (unless an evening activity is being planned and doesn’t conflict with any official convention activities).
      • Tours must not conflict with official convention activities (Opening Session, Opening Reception, Gala, President’s Reception, and Concrete Mixer).
      • All contracts must be reviewed by ACI Event Services prior to finalizing and signing the contract.
      • Develop a survey to be distributed to guests 12 to 18 months in advance of the convention. A sample survey is shown as Exhibit G. This will allow the CCC to create a tour program that will be attractive to guests as well as meet the minimum numbers required by tour companies.
      • Check references of tour company.
      • If the tour runs through the lunch hour, lunch must be provided in the tour price or time must be allotted for lunch.
      • The Chapter is responsible for payment of any fees for tour and/or transportation companies.
      • Develop contingency arrangements for tours that must be cancelled due to lack of interest.
      • Be aware of deadlines for tour cancellation and provide this information to ACI Event Services.
      • Send out a Request for Proposal (RFP) and obtain quotes from multiple tour providers.
      • Ensure adequate transportation for tours and other off-property events is arranged.
      • Establish a ticket price for each tour. If the CCC wishes to offer a tour that is free to attendees, it is recommended (but not required) that the CCC charge a minimal fee ($5, for example) to reduce the number of “no-shows” who sign up for the tour, but don’t attend. This will hold the attendee financially responsible for attending the tour and will assist the CCC in covering the cost of the tour.
      • To offset the cost of tours that do not meet the minimum required to break even, add 10 to 15% to the price of the tour, or be prepared to absorb the cost to run the tour.
      • Any transportation providers must have a minimum of $1,000,000 in public liability and property damage insurance valid over the dates of service, must hold the Chapter harmless, and must provide certificates of insurance at the time of the contract.

Publicity Subcommittee

Overview: The Publicity Subcommittee coordinates and executes the promotion of the convention to the local area and to the attendees of the convention prior through various mediums. All promotional materials must be approved by ACI Event Services. Refer to Exhibit B for the timeline.

Promotional Opportunities:

    • ACI Headquarters has graphic designers on staff who can assist in the development of promotional materials. There is no charge to use the ACI graphic designers; however, reasonable advance notice is required.
    • Create or update a Chapter website and include convention information and local links.
    • Distribute digital convention preview (developed by ACI) to local area contacts. Digital convention previews will be provided to the Chapter approximately 3 months prior to the convention.
    • Use posters, flyers, brochures, and Convention Previews to promote the convention in the local area and to the host Chapter membership. Distribute these items to engineering offices, engineering schools, government offices, construction site offices, local direct mail, local engineering/construction/trade associations, and chapter mailing/digital mailing list.
    • Chapter Banner (Chapter to produce). (optional)
    • Develop a flyer/brochure to pass out at the convention prior describing tours, special events, Concrete Mixer, Architects’ Day, technical session(s), and other. (Note: This brochure/flyer must be reviewed prior to printing by ACI Event Services.) (optional)
    • Convention pins to promote the upcoming convention. A quantity of 2000 to 2500 is recommended. Pins should not exceed 1 x 1 in. in size. Convention pin must be approved by ACI Event Services.
    • Obtain brochures of local attractions, restaurants, and maps from the Convention and Visitors Bureau to be distributed at the convention and the convention prior.
    • The Chapter is required to staff and maintain an information desk at their convention and the convention prior. Promotional materials can be distributed to attendees, and Chapter volunteers can answer questions about the convention and destination.
    • ACI’s Event Services and Marketing Departments send press releases promoting the convention. It is recommended that you coordinate your local efforts with ACI Headquarters, as ACI staff may have already developed some material you can use.

Student Program Subcommittee

Overview: The Student Program Subcommittee works with ACI Event Services and ACI Committee S801, Student Competitions, to provide support for and build awareness of the Student Competition and student programs at the convention. There are usually 40+ teams of five students for each competition. See Exhibit B for the timeline.

Student Competition Responsibilities:

    • ACI Staff
      • Coordinate with S801 (ACI Student Competition Coordinator).
      • Promote student competition nationally (ACI Marketing).
      • Register students for competition and compile list of teams to be given to S801 (ACI Student Competition Coordinator).
      • Coordinate logistics (location, device, setup, and seating) as needed (ACI Event Services).
    • CCC
      • Attend the S801 Committee Meeting and Student Programs at the two conventions prior.
      • Promote student competition in local area.
      • Work with ACI Event Services to arrange for refreshments (optional).
      • Obtain and coordinate judges with S801.
      • Provide a bilingual emcee (Spanish speaking).
      • Coordinate with S801 on any competition specific requirements.
    • S801
      • Determine what competition will take place at each convention.
      • Develop competition rules and requirements.
      • Coordinate with the ACI Student Competition Coordinator.
      • Monitor and help with competition.

Student Awards Program Responsibilities:

    • ACI Staff
      • Arrange for all food and beverage, room location, and setup for the event.
    • CCC
      • Select a featured speaker/topic for the event that appeals to students. Speaker will be approved by ACI Event Services.
      • Featured speaker is typically a volunteer within the industry. In some cases, the CCC has hired a professional speaker at their own expense; however, this is not required nor expected.
      • Promote attendance to local colleges and universities.
    • S801
      • Present awards for the Student Competition during the event.

Technical Session Subcommittee

Overview: The Technical Session Subcommittee coordinates and develops sessions of local interest to be presented at the convention. See Exhibit B for timeline.

Goal: Coordinate and organize one to three sessions that include topics of special interest in the local area. The subcommittee may organize a technical tour to a local construction project or historical site that is of interest to convention attendees.


    • Solicit, receive, review, and select suitable papers for presentation. Approval is required from the Technical Activities Committee (TAC) a minimum of 12 months prior to the convention. However, ACI Staff will schedule and allocate sessions. For session criteria and approval forms, please visit
    • Appoint a moderator and co-moderator for each session who will coordinate and introduce the speakers and monitor A/V equipment. Moderators may be part of the Technical Session Subcommittee. For specific session moderator responsibilities and training material, please refer to
    • Be sure to have substitute speakers available for emergencies. If a speaker does not show up, do not rearrange the session speakers. Attendees often schedule their time at a convention to attend a particular presentation.
    • Send all final session information (speaker names, co-author names, speaker and co-author contact information, presentation titles, and order of presentations) for their sessions to ACI Event Services 6 months prior to the convention.
    • Technical tours (optional) must be coordinated with the ACI Event Services. Arrangement and payment of transportation is coordinated by the CCC.

Social Events Subcommittee

Overview: The Social Events Subcommittee is a requirement for a Chapter-Funded Convention only. The CCC of a Chapter-Funded Convention will coordinate the two main networking receptions for the ACI Concrete Convention. Please refer to Exhibit B for the timeline. Please note: Effective August 1, 2019, ACI will no longer permit drink tickets for any event.

Responsibilities: The following is a description of each social activity. The Chapter is responsible for all costs incurred in sponsoring these activities.

Opening Reception
Held on Sunday evening from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm during the convention, typically in the exhibit hall. This reception serves to welcome attendees and provide networking opportunities for exhibitors. This reception may also be used by the host Chapter to honor contributors. The Opening Reception also serves as additional recognition for award winners. The CCC is responsible for covering the costs of the food and beverage, bartender fees, audio/visual, etc.

The menu should include light snacks or hors d’oeuvres (two pieces per person). Examples include cheese display, vegetable crudité, mixed nuts, and/or chips and salsa. CCC will work with ACI Event Services to develop the menu and assist in meeting any venue food and beverage minimums. See sample menus in Exhibit S. Below is a guideline for ordering food quantities; this information is based on historical data for this event.

Number of Registered Attendees    Food Guarantee Quantity
1400-1600 800
1601-1800 900
1801-2100 1000

Note: Typically, 1 bar per 150 people. However, venue may have specific requirements.

Concrete Mixer
Held on Tuesday from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm during the convention. This is the largest networking event for the convention. The CCC is responsible for covering the costs of the food and beverage and all other expenses such as facility fees, transportation, decorations, bartender fees, entertainment, and audio/visual. All Concrete Mixer-related contracts must be approved by ACI Event Services prior to the signing of the contract.

If the host Chapter chooses to hold the Concrete Mixer off property (provided there are no food and beverage minimums that must be met at the convention venue), arrangements must be made no later than 18 months prior to the convention.

The menu should include heavy hors d’oeuvres (six pieces per person minimum) and, effective August 1, 2019, a fully hosted open bar. The CCC will work with ACI Event Services to develop the menu and assist in meeting any venue food and beverage minimums. See sample menus in Exhibit S. Below is a guideline for ordering food quantities; this information is based on historical data for this event.

Number of Registered Attendees    Food Guarantee Quantity
1400-1600 1100
1601-1800 1200
1801-2100 1400

Note: Typically, 1 bar per 150 people. However, venue may have specific requirements.

Host Chapter VIP/Sponsor Reception (optional)
The CCC has the option to hold a reception to honor the Chapter VIPs and other contributors to the convention. This event may not be held during any other convention events. The Chapter may arrange for reception space with ACI Event Services, provided there is space available. The Chapter may also hold this event in their Hospitality Suite.

General Social Event Guidelines
The CCC has the option to hold a reception to honor the Chapter VIPs and other contributors to the convention. This event may not be held during any other convention events. The Chapter may arrange for reception space with ACI Event Services, provided there is space available. The Chapter may also hold this event in their Hospitality Suite.

    • Effective August 1, 2019, ACI will no longer permit drink tickets for any event.
    • Events held at the convention site (convention center, hotel, and in some cases, specialty event venues) must be serviced by the in-house banquet department to comply with health and sanitation codes. No outside caterers may be used at these locations. Please note: Event venues often have bartender fees unless a minimum expenditure has been achieved.
    • If live or recorded music is played at any function, royalties must be paid to the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), and Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI). ACI Event Services staff may assist in how to accomplish this task.
    • ACI Event Services must review all contracts (venue, food and beverage, transportation, etc.) prior to the host Chapter signing the contract.