2016 Honorary Members
John A. Bickley

John A. Bickley retired in 2011 from John A. Bickley Associates, where he served as President from 1986 to 2011. Prior to that he was a Partner with Trow Associates, Toronto, ON, Canada, from 1967 to 1986 and Manager of the Materials Testing Laboratory, Messrs Sandberg, London, UK, from 1955 to 1965. He provided consulting, testing, and inspection services on major suspension bridges, expressways, dams, dockyards, airfields, conventional and nuclear power stations, and experimental nuclear reactors on projects in England, Canada, the United States, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Malta, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Jordan, Pakistan, India, and New Zealand.
Bickley served as President of the Ontario Chapter – ACI and chaired the Ontario Chapter Committee: The Investigation and Repair of Parking Structures. He also was a member of the ACI Board of Direction, the Educational Activities Committee, and the Convention Committee. He served as Chair or was a member of several technical committees, including ACI Committees 214, Evaluation of Results of Tests Used to Determine the Strength of Concrete; 228, Nondestructive Testing of Concrete; 362, Parking Structures; 363, High-Strength Concrete; and the Concrete Research Council.
His research interests include development and implementation of nondestructive testing and evaluation of new and existing structures. Bickley is a Fellow of ACI, the Institution of Civil Engineers in England, and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. He has received the ACI Construction Practice Award (1980), the ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award (1997), and awards from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), the Institution of Civil Engineers, and the Institution of Highway Engineers.
Bickley is a 1948 graduate of the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) and received his DSc, Honoris Causa from Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada (2009). He was a member of ASTM International Committees C09, Concrete and Concrete Aggregates; C09.02.05, Nondestructive Testing; and C09.61, Testing for Strength. He served on CSA Committees A23, Concrete and Concrete Materials, and S 413, Parking Structures.
Bickley served a 4-year Commission with the Royal Engineers in Kenya, Egypt, and Germany.
David Darwin

David Darwin is the Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, where he has been a faculty member since 1974. He served as an Officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from 1967 to 1972.
ACI President in 2007-2008, Darwin is a member and Past Chair of ACI Committee 224, Cracking; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 408, Bond and Development of Steel Reinforcement; and a member of many other technical and Board committees, including ACI Committee 222, Corrosion of Metals in Concrete; Joint ACI-ASCE Committees 445, Shear and Torsion; and 446, Fracture Mechanics of Concrete; and ACI Subcommittee 318-B, Anchorage and Reinforcement. He is a past member of the ACI Board of Direction and Executive Committee; the Financial Advisory and Technical Activities Committees; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 447, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures. He is a Past Chair of the Concrete Research Council and the ACI Publications and TAC Technology Transfer Committees.
His research interests include concrete durability, with emphasis on corrosion protection and crack control, and on bond and anchorage of steel reinforcement to concrete. Elected Fellow in 1981, his other ACI awards include the Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award, 1986; the Arthur R. Anderson Award, 1992; the ACI Structural Research Award, 1996; the Joe Kelly Award, 2005; the ACI Certification Award, 2010; and the ACI Foundation – Concrete Research Council Arthur J. Boase Award, 2013. Darwin is a member of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) and ASTM International, a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and a Fellow of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of ASCE.
He received his BS and MS in civil engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in 1967 and 1968, respectively, and his PhD in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, in 1974.
Vitervo Asdrúbal O’Reilly Diaz

Before his death on May 31, 2015, Vitervo Asdrúbal O’Reilly Diaz was recognized for his outstanding career in the concrete industry. He served as President of the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Concrete in Cuba from 1965 to 2002 and was Chief Investigator for the Technical Center for Construction and Materials from 1978 to 1986. He was also a member of numerous other organizations, including the Scientific Council of the Superior Polytechnic Institute; Permanent Board for the Award of Science Degrees; Technical Board of the Commission for Construction Technologies; National Corrosion Commission – Academic Investigation Division of the Cuban Academy of Sciences; Scientific Board of the Experimental Center for Construction; and Architecture in the Tropics.
Diaz published numerous documents, presented his work, and delivered keynote presentations at over 152 national and international conferences. He received several awards and honors, including Work Hero of the Republic of Cuba (highest honor bestowed to a worker in Cuba); Order of Carlos J. Finlay (highest recognition awarded to scientists in Cuba); and Order of Frank Pais (highest recognition awarded to a Professor for services and contributions to education). Diaz was also recognized for his 56 years as a constructor and 49 years as an educator with a National Award of Civil Engineering in 1999; Cuban Academy of Sciences Award for his methodology for concrete mixture proportioning in 2000; and Honorary Professor of the Universidad Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho, Bolivia in 1993.
Diaz was recognized in numerous Latin American counties for his research in cement and the concrete field. He obtained a patent on a methodology he developed for batching concrete, increasing efficiency in cement use, which resulted in numerous courses and keynote conference presentations.
Diaz received his technical degree as an Industrial Chemist in Technical Sciences from Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic; his BS in civil engineering from the University of Havana, Havana, Cuba, in 1959; his MS from the Superior Polytechnic Institute of Havana, Havana, Cuba, in 1978; and his PhD from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Národní, Czech Republic, in 1985.
W. Calvin McCall

W. Calvin McCall, FACI, is President of Concrete Engineering Consultants, Inc., a diversified concrete engineering firm located in Charlotte, NC. He has over 40 years of experience in the concrete industry, including proportioning high-performance concrete mixtures, designing self-consolidating concrete and radiation-shielding concrete mixtures, performing nondestructive evaluations of concrete structures, developing quality control and quality assurance systems, and performing concrete floor evaluations. He was voted ACI Educational Seminar Speaker of the Year in 2002.
McCall was the recipient of the ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award, 2006; the ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award, 2008; and the ACI Wason Medal for Most Meritorious Paper, 2013. He is a Past Chair and current member of ACI Committees 132, Responsibility in Concrete Construction; 301, Specifications for Concrete; and 349, Concrete Nuclear Structures. He is also a past member of the ACI Board of Direction and ACI Committee 318, Structural Concrete Building Code.
He has several research interests but the main focus at this time is self-consolidating concrete. He received his degree in civil engineering technology from Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC, in 1977, and became a licensed professional engineer in 1985.
McCall is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and ASTM International. He has published papers on slab-on-ground, specifications, precast concrete, and teamwork on construction projects, as well as articles on other concrete-related topics.
Cloyd E. (Joseph) Warnes

Cloyd E. (Joseph) Warnes is Managing Partner of CPM Associates, Roseville, CA, a nonprofit humanitarian public interest consulting project management firm that specializes in design and construction of concrete houses. He spent much of his career in management of overseas construction projects in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Romania, and Russia. He was the keynote speaker at the first Russian Project Management Association convention in Moscow in 1999, on the subject of computerized project management of precast concrete design and construction.
Following 17 years with the Portland Cement Association (PCA), Warnes entered the concrete construction field. He has been involved in the construction management of several international projects, mostly in the Middle East. For 10 years, he conducted seminars on project management and precast concrete construction in various countries in the Middle East and North Africa. For several years after the implosion of the Soviet Union, he mentored indigenous concrete construction contractors on behalf of the U.S. Department of State USAID program in Romania, Russia, and Poland. He designed and built the first insulating concrete form (ICF) shell concrete houses in a severe earthquake region of Romania. Among various projects, Warnes initiated and led programs to develop the first computerized program for concrete pavement design; research to determine the cause of concrete pavement faulting; the refinement of “dogbone” precast concrete moment frames for high-rise buildings; and established the basis of the concept of “emulation detailing,” leading to the preparation of a report by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 550, Precast Concrete Structures, on that subject.
Warnes received his BCE from Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, in 1951, and his AA Management and Supervision from American River College, Sacramento, CA, in 1968. He is a Fellow of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) and former member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI).