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Sessions & Events


The full schedule of events is coming soon. All sessions and events take place in Eastern Daylight Time (EST UTC-4).
All events take place at the Sheraton Centre Toronto.

On-demand sessions will be available for viewing in the convention platform/event app under "On-Demand Content" within 24-48 hours of the session premiere. Please note, on-demand sessions are not available for CEU credit. *Denotes on-demand content.

M=Main Reception Building; C=Convention Center

MINI SESSION: Responsibilities and Liabilities Emerging in the Concrete Industry

Tuesday, April 1, 2025  1:30 PM - 2:30 PM, City Hall

In this session we will hear from two leading voices identifying the role concrete professionals have today to commit to testing, constructability, durability, curing and communication to ensure the future landscape with lower carbon concrete remains as high quality and reliable as in our past.

Learning Objectives:
(1) Answer the broad questions for what constitutes Lower Carbon Construction as it is found in concrete;
(2) Identify the impact that testing, constructability and curing will have on durability;
(3) Compare the assumed behavior of concrete built empirically with the emerging reality of changing materials;
(4) Understand the roles and responsibilities for transparent communication and developed knowledge for the market served.

Our Responsibility to Improve Testing, Constructability, Durability and the Success of Lower Carbon Construction.

Presented By: James Casilio
Affiliation: Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association
Description: There are things we can do today to address the necessity of adapting to the new landscape of concrete mix designs and materials ushered in by the progress toward carbon neutrality. Learning these practices will empower a stronger position for future evolution.

Communicated Strategies: Constructability to Curing

Presented By: Christopher Tull
Affiliation: CRT Concrete Consulting
Description: The art of communication is not to be lost on the ?new generation.? Success may, in fact, be restored by the emerging leadership. New materials, new performances, new schedules require pervasive and transparent communication. ?Who is responsible?? is no longer a sufficient position.

Upper Level Sponsors

ACI Northern California and Western Nevada Chapter
Euclid Chemical
FullForce Solutions