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Sessions & Events


The full schedule of events is coming soon. All sessions and events take place in Eastern Daylight Time (EST UTC-4).
All events take place at the Sheraton Centre Toronto.

On-demand sessions will be available for viewing in the convention platform/event app under "On-Demand Content" within 24-48 hours of the session premiere. Please note, on-demand sessions are not available for CEU credit. *Denotes on-demand content.

M=Main Reception Building; C=Convention Center

Honoring R. Douglas Hooton: Leading Industry to Achieving Durable Concrete, Part 2 of 4

Monday, March 31, 2025  11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Civic Ballroom South

This session will honor the past and on-going contributions of Professor Douglas Hooton to the cement and concrete industry. His research and educational contributions are far reaching and his made impacts world-wide. Speakers will present current technical topics impacted by Dr. Hooton's past and current activities.

Learning Objectives:
(1) Discuss how material choices impact structural design;
(2) Recognize factors other than materials impacting durability design;
(3) Assess the impact of materials selection on freezing and thawing durability of concrete;
(4) Report on the approaches taken by the construction industry to implement research to improve the durability of concrete.

Durable Materials for Iconic Structures

Presented By: Evan Bentz
Affiliation: University of Toronto
Description: Dr. Hooton, working with others such as John Bickley, played a key role in the design and construction of some of the more iconic structures in Toronto. This talk will review these contributions

Durability Design and Sustainability of Concrete Structures

Presented By: Mette Geiker
Affiliation: Norwegian Univ of Science & Technolgy
Description: Durability design of sustainable concrete structures requires consideration of many factors. These factors will be discussed in this talk, highlighting areas of contribution and collaboration with Dr. Hooton.

Cover, Specifications, and Acumen: Celebrating the Collective Work of Doug Hooton

Presented By: Jason Weiss
Affiliation: Oregon State University
Description: Throughout his career, Doug has been a champion who has appreciated existing concrete knowledge, added to that knowledge through well-conceived test methods, and moved these findings to specifications and standards. This work will discuss some of Doug's work on concrete cover and transport. Specifically, this talk will focus on concrete cover, tests to assess the quality of concrete in the cover, and recent innovations to predict its performance. The work will talk about the importance of testing fundamentals, standards, and specifications.

Doug Hooton - Changing Industry, Changing Lives

Presented By: Andrea Boddy
Affiliation: Andrea Boddy Consulting Inc
Description: This talk will highlight a few of the ways Dr. Hooton’s work has directly impacted the course of industry at a commercial level and also how he directly impacted the lives of his students.

The Road to Hell is Covered with…Ice?

Presented By: Thomas Van Dam
Affiliation: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Description: In this talk Dr. Hooton’s involvement in deicer research as well as research on freezing and thawing durability will be reviewed.

Variability of Input Parameters and Their Impact on Service Life Predictions

Presented By: Kyle Stanish
Affiliation: Tourney Consulting Group, LLC
Description: This presentation discusses the impact on service life predictions from changing the i) statistical variation that is assumed for different input parameters, ii) where the parameters are sourced, and iii) how they compare to what is seen in real world projects.

Upper Level Sponsors

ACI Northern California and Western Nevada Chapter
ConSeal Concrete Sealants, Inc.
Euclid Chemical
FullForce Solutions
Sika Corporation