Concrete Industry Calendar

ACI Convention - Philadelphia
ACI Convention - Philadelphia
Concrete Flatwork Associate and Advanced Finisher

October 25, 2025 to October 25, 2025
Starting Time:   8:00 AM MST
End Time:   4:00 PM MST

6880 S. Yosemite Ct. #100
Centennial , CO   United States
Sponsor(s): Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Assn

A Concrete Flatwork Associate (formerly Concrete Flatwork Technician) is a person who has demonstrated knowledge (via a written examination) on proper procedures to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect concrete flatwork.

A Concrete Flatwork Finisher (formerly Concrete Flatwork Tradesman) is a craftsman who has demonstrated the skills (via a hands-on performance exam) necessary to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect concrete flatwork, but who lacks sufficient work experience to qualify as a concrete flatwork finisher.

An Advanced Concrete Flatwork Finisher (formerly Concrete Flatwork Finisher and Technician) is a craftsman who has demonstrated the knowledge AND skills and/or experience necessary to place, consolidate, finish, edge, joint, cure and protect concrete flatwork.

Note, the in-person courses offered includes a half-day refresher/review prior to the written exam only. The CRMCA does NOT provide the on-hands performance exam to meet the requirements of a Concrete Flatwork Finisher. If the appropriate work experience is met, an individual can complete the written exam and complete the Experience Form (prior to your scheduled session) to obtain the title Advanced Concrete Flatwork Finisher.
For additional on-line info, click on the link below:
CRMCA Registration

For more information, contact:
Colorado ACI
Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association
6880 S Yosemite Ct Ste 100
Centennial, CO    80112-1440    United States
Phone: 303-290-0303


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