Concrete Industry Calendar

ACI Convention - Philadelphia
ACI Convention - Philadelphia
Concrete Aesthetics

March 29, 2026 to April 1, 2026

Hyatt Regency O'Hare
Rosemont , IL   United States
Sponsor(s): ACI Committee 124, Concrete Aesthetics

Meeting: The technical session “Concrete Aesthetics” will be held at the ACI Concrete Convention – Spring 2026 in Rosemont/Chicago, IL, USA; sponsored by ACI Committee 124, Concrete Aesthetics.

Solicited: Abstracts are invited on aesthetic concrete projects, techniques, and methods. The purpose of the session is to show that concrete can be shaped, colored, textured, and manipulated into just about anything the architect, designer, builder, artist, or owner desires, and even the finest details can be achieved with the right techniques.

Requirements: 1) Presentation title; 2) abstract of no more than 200 words; 3) presenter(s) first and last name, title if any, affiliation, mailing address, phone, and email; and 4) co‐author(s) first and last name, title if any, affiliation, mailing address, phone, and email. This information should be submitted to Anne M. Werner, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,

Deadline: Abstracts are due by June 30, 2025
For additional on-line info, click on the link below:
ACI Concrete Conventions

For more information, contact:
Anne Werner
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Edwardsville, IL    United States
Phone: 000-000-0000


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