2015 Honorary Members
Charles W. Dolan

Charles W. Dolan is H.T. Person Professor Emeritus of the University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY (25 years). He retired in December 2012 as the University of Wyoming H.T. Person Chair of Engineering. Dolan retired in 1988 from Berger/ABAM Engineers after 20 years.
Dolan served on numerous ACI committees including the ACI Board of Direction; Technical Activities Committee; Construction Liaison Committee; Convention Committee; International Advisory Committee; Publications Committee; Committee on Nominations; 301, Specifications for Concrete; 358, Concrete Guideways; 365, Service Life Prediction; and 366, Precast Concrete Pipelines. He currently serves on ACI Committees S803, Faculty Network Coordinating Committee; 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; and 440, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement; ACI Subcommittees 318-D, Members; 318-G, Precast and Prestressed Concrete; and 440-I, FRP-Prestressed Concrete; Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 423, Prestressed Concrete; Joint ACI-ASCE Subcommittees 423-D, Bond and Development in Pretensioned Members, and 423-E, Prestress Losses; and the Technology Transfer Advisory Group. He is a Fellow of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) and a Life Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
He has received numerous awards, including the ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award in 1998 and the ACI Arthur R. Anderson Award in 2005.
His research interests include development of design and durability guidelines for fiber-reinforced polymers for structural applications, and performance and constructibility innovation in precast and prestressed concrete. Dolan received his BS in civil engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, in 1965, and his MS and PhD in civil engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in 1967 and 1989, respectively.
Peter H. Emmons

Peter H. Emmons is the Founder and CEO of Structural Group, a recognized leader in the specialty construction industry, headquartered in Hanover, MD. Emmons founded the organization in 1976.
Emmons is a past member of the ACI Board of Direction; past Chair of ACI Committee 364, Rehabilitation; and past member of Committee 546, Repair of Concrete; the Financial Advisory Committee; and the Construction Liaison Committee. He is also the Past President and Chair of the Technical Guidelines Committee for the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI). He is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Advisory Board for the Civil Engineering Research Council, and the Construction Industry Institute.
Emmons has received numerous awards, including the ACI Foundation Jean-Claude Roumain Innovation in Concrete Award in 2014; the ACI Roger H. Corbetta Award in 2009; and the ACI Arthur R. Anderson Award for contributions to the development and dissemination of knowledge regarding the repair, rehabilitation, and maintenance of concrete. He was also a co-recipient of the ACI Construction Practice Award in 2000, the ACI Wason Medal for Most Meritorious Paper in 1996, and the 1993 Innovation Award at the International Conference in Edinburgh, UK.
Emmons received his BS in civil engineering in 1973 from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
David P. Gustafson

David P. Gustafson is a Consulting Engineer in Winthrop Harbor, IL. He established his consulting engineering practice after being associated with the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) in the Chicago, IL, region for over 33 years.
He is actively engaged in technical committee work for both ACI and ASTM International. He is a past Chair of ACI Committee 301, Specifications for Concrete, and is a member of Committee 318, Structural Concrete Building Code. He is also a past member of the ACI Board of Direction and the Technical Activities Committee.
Gustafson is a Fellow of ASTM International and is currently serving as the Chair of ASTM Subcommittee A01.05, Steel Reinforcement. His other professional affiliations include the American Welding Society, the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association, the Canadian Standards Association, and the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois (SEAOI). He is the United States delegate to the International Organization on Standards Subcommittee ISO/TC 17/SC 16, Steel Reinforcement. He is a life member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE).
His awards include ACI’s Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award, ASTM International’s Founding Committee Award and Award of Merit, and SEAOI’s Distinguished Service Award.
He has authored a variety of technical papers and articles on the design and construction of reinforced concrete structures and on steel reinforcement. He received his BSCE from Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, and his PhD in civil engineering from Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, in 1961 and 1967, respectively. He is a licensed structural engineer in Illinois, and a licensed professional engineer in Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Karl-Heinz Reineck

Karl-Heinz Reineck, FACI, is a retired Academic Director of the Institute for Lightweight Structures Conceptual and Structural Design (ILEK), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, and Associate Professor of the University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has been involved in teaching and research for more than 45 years, and retired from teaching in 2007.
Reineck is Chair of Joint ACI-ASCE Subcommittee 445-D, Shear & Torsion-Shear Databases, and is a member of ACI Committee 357, Offshore and Marine Concrete Structures; Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 445, Shear and Torsion; and Subcommittee 445-A, Shear & Torsion-Strut & Tie. He is a member of the German Code Committee for Structural Concrete and was involved in several task groups in Comité Euro-International du Béton (CEB) and the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib).
His research interests include experimental as well as theoretical research on the shear design of structural concrete, the structural behavior of concrete shells for offshore platforms and tanks, structural concrete design with strut-and-tie models, and ultra-high-performance concrete.
Reineck received his Diplom-Ingenieur in civil engineering from the University of Stuttgart in 1968, and his Dr.-Ing. in 1990.
Thomas D. Verti

In 2010, Thomas D. Verti, FACI, retired as President of Pankow Builders, ending a career with the company that spanned four decades.
A past ACI Board of Direction and Executive Committee member, Verti was named President of the Institute in 2006. As an active ACI member for over 30 years, Verti was also a member of many technical, educational, and Board committees, including 303, Architectural Cast-in-Place Concrete; 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; 347, Formwork for Concrete; E703, Concrete Construction Practices; the Educational Activities Committee; the Convention Committee; the Chapter Activities Committee; the Construction Liason Committee; the Scholarship Council; and the Strategic Development Council.
Throughout his career, Verti championed design-build and innovative concrete technologies. For his efforts and accomplishments, he received numerous industry awards, including the ACI Roger H. Corbetta Concrete Constructor Award for “significant innovation in concrete construction” in 1999. He also received the Sam Hobbs Service Award from the Southern California Chapter – ACI.
A native of Southern California, Verti matriculated at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, on a football scholarship. In 1971, he received his BS in architecture, building technology, and administration.