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San Diego was the site of ACIs March 2000 Convention, which had excellent attendanceover 1400 were registeredand the overall feedback was very positive. A convention is a wonderful way to see how ACI functions. At an ACI convention, you find not only interesting technical presentations and enjoyable social events, but also committee meetingslots of them. Technical committees meet primarily to develop and revise documents, and to assess the state of the art in various areas of concrete technology. Administrative committees carry out the many planning and overview responsibilities that an association such as ours needs to function smoothly and efficiently. I would like to tell you about several key administrative committees, their activities, and a few of the people involved. The Convention Committee, chaired by Rita Oglesby, is working out ways to continuously improve our conventions. Although the San Diego convention was a great event, were not resting on our laurelssome significant changes will be evident at the Toronto convention this fall. We have a new conventions manager on staff, Renee McAdams, whom many of you met in San Diego. Since Renee joined ACI only shortly before the San Diego convention, Janmarie Hornack handled most of the detailed planning for this event on a consulting basis. Janmarie, a former ACI employee who has since established her own business, is to be commended for the smooth and efficient way the convention was planned and managed. The Institute is in excellent financial conditiona tribute to many hard and wise decisions made by past Boards and carried out by the Institutes dedicated staff. This pattern is continuing, with record financial performance having been turned in for fiscal year 1999. We are fortunate to have the superb guidance of the Financial Advisory Committee that monitors and evaluates our finances and advises the Board. Tony Fiorato chairs this committee, with staff support from our Controller, Donna Gilders, and Senior Managing Director Bill Tolley. Bill has served ACI for many years and taken on a variety of duties that have benefited the Institute immeasurably. Over the past few years, the Publications Committee, chaired by Sharon Wood, has been trying to shorten the time from receipt of manuscripts to publication in an ACI Journal. Working with the Editorial and Production staff under Becky Hartford, the committee has made great progress and continues to study ways to improve the efficiency and speed of disseminating information to the membership. The Chapter Activities Committee, chaired by Dick Stehly, is responsible for the operation of the chapters of the Institute. In San Diego, the Board approved the new Mid-America Chapter, based in Memphis, Tenn. At a recent Chapter Roundtable meeting in Atlanta, a number of chapter representatives from the southeastern U.S. gathered to share their experiences and to learn about support and programs available from ACI. Several ACI staff members were also at the Roundtable, including Bill Tolley, who handles staff support for the chapters. I first met Bill when he came to Austin to help us initiate a local chapter about 20 years ago. At the Roundtable, the Mid-America Chapter members had an opportunity to learn how one of our most distinguished chapters operates. The Georgia Chapter has consistently won ACIs top annual chapter award, Excellent Chapter. It is fortunate to have had LaGrit ("Sam") Morris serving as Secretary/Treasurer for many years. Sam, together with 22 other distinguished members, was recognized in San Diego by being named a Fellow of the Institute. Speaking of chapters, here is another great way to get to know ACI better. It is through the activities of chapters that much of the knowledge we generate and the information we disseminate is implemented and used to improve concrete construction. Chapter activities, conventions, and committee meetings all offer one very important benefitthe opportunity to interact with others who have an interest in concrete technology. We learn from one another, share our experiences, and assemble the information to produce knowledge that will be useful to others and benefit the user through better concrete products and construction. It is wonderful to see so many people working, conferring, and enjoying each other at these meetings. The contacts that are made at the meetings become integral parts of each persons network. The personal friendships and professional networking draw a sizeable and steady group of members who simply do not want to miss a meeting and the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. I urge you to attend one of our conventions or a chapter meeting in your area. Once you do so, I think you will be "hooked." Come to an ACI convention and, while youre there, attend some committee meetings to learn what we do and how we function. The Institute needs new ideas and new people to become involved in its operation and activities. A frequent comment from those who become involved is "I get so much more from ACI than I give." I hope you will be among the new first-time attendees that I meet in Toronto! James O. JirsaPresidentAmerican Concrete Institute Back to Past-Presidents' Memo List
San Diego was the site of ACIs March 2000 Convention, which had excellent attendanceover 1400 were registeredand the overall feedback was very positive. A convention is a wonderful way to see how ACI functions. At an ACI convention, you find not only interesting technical presentations and enjoyable social events, but also committee meetingslots of them. Technical committees meet primarily to develop and revise documents, and to assess the state of the art in various areas of concrete technology. Administrative committees carry out the many planning and overview responsibilities that an association such as ours needs to function smoothly and efficiently. I would like to tell you about several key administrative committees, their activities, and a few of the people involved.
The Convention Committee, chaired by Rita Oglesby, is working out ways to continuously improve our conventions. Although the San Diego convention was a great event, were not resting on our laurelssome significant changes will be evident at the Toronto convention this fall. We have a new conventions manager on staff, Renee McAdams, whom many of you met in San Diego. Since Renee joined ACI only shortly before the San Diego convention, Janmarie Hornack handled most of the detailed planning for this event on a consulting basis. Janmarie, a former ACI employee who has since established her own business, is to be commended for the smooth and efficient way the convention was planned and managed.
The Institute is in excellent financial conditiona tribute to many hard and wise decisions made by past Boards and carried out by the Institutes dedicated staff. This pattern is continuing, with record financial performance having been turned in for fiscal year 1999. We are fortunate to have the superb guidance of the Financial Advisory Committee that monitors and evaluates our finances and advises the Board. Tony Fiorato chairs this committee, with staff support from our Controller, Donna Gilders, and Senior Managing Director Bill Tolley. Bill has served ACI for many years and taken on a variety of duties that have benefited the Institute immeasurably.
Over the past few years, the Publications Committee, chaired by Sharon Wood, has been trying to shorten the time from receipt of manuscripts to publication in an ACI Journal. Working with the Editorial and Production staff under Becky Hartford, the committee has made great progress and continues to study ways to improve the efficiency and speed of disseminating information to the membership.
The Chapter Activities Committee, chaired by Dick Stehly, is responsible for the operation of the chapters of the Institute. In San Diego, the Board approved the new Mid-America Chapter, based in Memphis, Tenn. At a recent Chapter Roundtable meeting in Atlanta, a number of chapter representatives from the southeastern U.S. gathered to share their experiences and to learn about support and programs available from ACI. Several ACI staff members were also at the Roundtable, including Bill Tolley, who handles staff support for the chapters. I first met Bill when he came to Austin to help us initiate a local chapter about 20 years ago. At the Roundtable, the Mid-America Chapter members had an opportunity to learn how one of our most distinguished chapters operates. The Georgia Chapter has consistently won ACIs top annual chapter award, Excellent Chapter. It is fortunate to have had LaGrit ("Sam") Morris serving as Secretary/Treasurer for many years. Sam, together with 22 other distinguished members, was recognized in San Diego by being named a Fellow of the Institute.
Speaking of chapters, here is another great way to get to know ACI better. It is through the activities of chapters that much of the knowledge we generate and the information we disseminate is implemented and used to improve concrete construction. Chapter activities, conventions, and committee meetings all offer one very important benefitthe opportunity to interact with others who have an interest in concrete technology. We learn from one another, share our experiences, and assemble the information to produce knowledge that will be useful to others and benefit the user through better concrete products and construction.
It is wonderful to see so many people working, conferring, and enjoying each other at these meetings. The contacts that are made at the meetings become integral parts of each persons network. The personal friendships and professional networking draw a sizeable and steady group of members who simply do not want to miss a meeting and the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.
I urge you to attend one of our conventions or a chapter meeting in your area. Once you do so, I think you will be "hooked." Come to an ACI convention and, while youre there, attend some committee meetings to learn what we do and how we function. The Institute needs new ideas and new people to become involved in its operation and activities. A frequent comment from those who become involved is "I get so much more from ACI than I give." I hope you will be among the new first-time attendees that I meet in Toronto!
James O. JirsaPresidentAmerican Concrete Institute
Back to Past-Presidents' Memo List
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