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Nearly 2,000 attendees and guests gathered for The Concrete Convention and Exposition, October 23-27, 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA, joining colleagues for sessions, committee meetings, a student competition, awards, networking, social events, and the much-anticipated ACI Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards. On the evening of Monday, October 24, 2016, the highest “Excellence” award was presented to Palazzo Italia (Italian Pavilion Expo 2015) located in Milan, Italy. The project was submitted by the ACI Italy Chapter. Eleven additional global projects were recognized during the packed Gala event. View all winners. The awards were created to honor the visions of the most creative projects in the concrete industry, while providing a platform to recognize concrete innovation, technology, and excellence across the globe. "We all strive to strengthen the relationship between chapters, institute members, and staff,” said Michael J. Schneider, ACI President. “As most chapter members are deeply involved in the local concrete construction community, who better to determine the most impressive concrete projects associated with their area? With this mindset, ACI chose to honor this knowledge by elevating chapter award winners to this stage tonight." We are so excited to announce our highest honor of the evening -our #Excellence #Award -Palazzo Italia! #Milan #Italy #ACIExcellence— ACI Excellence (@ACIExcellence) October 25, 2016 The annual Fall Chapter Roundtable event was held on Saturday, October 22, 2016 preceding the ACI Convention in Philadelphia. 28 chapter officers representing 19 domestic and international chapters participated and attendees engaged in dynamic discussions and an exchange of ideas about ways to improve chapter operations. The next roundtable event will be on October 21, 2017, in conjunction with the ACI Convention in Anaheim, California. A record number of teams participated in the Mortar Workability Student Competition. Teams were challenged to create a mortar mixture with optimum flowability and stability at the convention. Mechanical Properties of Concrete Made with Fluff was just one of the interesting sessions available on Contractors' Day. The session focused on how shredded cars can be turned into aggregate for concrete. A special session titled, “Take the High Road-Developing Character of Impeccable Integrity” discussed how building-team members are challenged by exponential growth in the extent and complexity of governing codes and regulations, and business demands for expedient design and fast-food style construction impose additional burdens. Attendees also enjoyed a lunch presentation by Mike Ricchezza and Valerie Giangiulio-Moody, titled “Comcast Center Mat Foundation Concrete Placement-One of the Largest Concrete Placements in Philadelphia History.” Session handouts are now available online. Convention attendees from around the world gathered for ACI’s International Forum on Sunday, October 23, 2016. Attendees gathered to meet and learn from ACI international Partners, ACI Chapter representatives, and ACI leadership about worldwide events, activities, initiatives, and common themes of interest to the concrete materials, design, and construction industry. ACI's ninth annual Concrete Sustainability Forum was held on Wednesday, October 26, 2016, at the convention. During the forum, global experts provided an update on new technologies, sustainability assessment systems, and sustainable design taking place in countries around the world. On Tuesday, October 25, 2016, leaders from the American Concrete Institute and the Institute of Concrete Technology signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to formalize their relationship. While the two organizations and their members have worked together for years, this agreement memorializes both Institutes’ desires to collaboratively develop and disseminate technical information on concrete and concrete structures. Read More. The next ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition in Detroit, MI, will take place at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, March 26-30, 2017. Mark your calendars and plan to attend this gathering of industry leaders from around the world! More information will be available at soon!
Nearly 2,000 attendees and guests gathered for The Concrete Convention and Exposition, October 23-27, 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA, joining colleagues for sessions, committee meetings, a student competition, awards, networking, social events, and the much-anticipated ACI Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards.
On the evening of Monday, October 24, 2016, the highest “Excellence” award was presented to Palazzo Italia (Italian Pavilion Expo 2015) located in Milan, Italy. The project was submitted by the ACI Italy Chapter. Eleven additional global projects were recognized during the packed Gala event.
View all winners.
The awards were created to honor the visions of the most creative projects in the concrete industry, while providing a platform to recognize concrete innovation, technology, and excellence across the globe.
We are so excited to announce our highest honor of the evening -our #Excellence #Award -Palazzo Italia! #Milan #Italy #ACIExcellence— ACI Excellence (@ACIExcellence) October 25, 2016
We are so excited to announce our highest honor of the evening -our #Excellence #Award -Palazzo Italia! #Milan #Italy #ACIExcellence
The annual Fall Chapter Roundtable event was held on Saturday, October 22, 2016 preceding the ACI Convention in Philadelphia. 28 chapter officers representing 19 domestic and international chapters participated and attendees engaged in dynamic discussions and an exchange of ideas about ways to improve chapter operations. The next roundtable event will be on October 21, 2017, in conjunction with the ACI Convention in Anaheim, California.
A record number of teams participated in the Mortar Workability Student Competition. Teams were challenged to create a mortar mixture with optimum flowability and stability at the convention.
Mechanical Properties of Concrete Made with Fluff was just one of the interesting sessions available on Contractors' Day. The session focused on how shredded cars can be turned into aggregate for concrete.
A special session titled, “Take the High Road-Developing Character of Impeccable Integrity” discussed how building-team members are challenged by exponential growth in the extent and complexity of governing codes and regulations, and business demands for expedient design and fast-food style construction impose additional burdens.
Attendees also enjoyed a lunch presentation by Mike Ricchezza and Valerie Giangiulio-Moody, titled “Comcast Center Mat Foundation Concrete Placement-One of the Largest Concrete Placements in Philadelphia History.”
Session handouts are now available online.
Convention attendees from around the world gathered for ACI’s International Forum on Sunday, October 23, 2016. Attendees gathered to meet and learn from ACI international Partners, ACI Chapter representatives, and ACI leadership about worldwide events, activities, initiatives, and common themes of interest to the concrete materials, design, and construction industry.
ACI's ninth annual Concrete Sustainability Forum was held on Wednesday, October 26, 2016, at the convention. During the forum, global experts provided an update on new technologies, sustainability assessment systems, and sustainable design taking place in countries around the world.
On Tuesday, October 25, 2016, leaders from the American Concrete Institute and the Institute of Concrete Technology signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to formalize their relationship. While the two organizations and their members have worked together for years, this agreement memorializes both Institutes’ desires to collaboratively develop and disseminate technical information on concrete and concrete structures. Read More.
The next ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition in Detroit, MI, will take place at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, March 26-30, 2017. Mark your calendars and plan to attend this gathering of industry leaders from around the world! More information will be available at soon!
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These Awards will celebrate innovation and inspire excellence throughout the global concrete design and construction community.
The American Concrete Institute's newest Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and Commentary is now available in print and digital formats. Learn more about the 2019 edition, plus supplemental resources from ACI.
Visit the ACI 318 Portal Now »