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To provide additional knowledge resources to members, the American Concrete Institute launched new member benefits beginning January 1, 2021. ACI members now have free access to all ACI University live webinars, free access to 260+ on-demand courses, and unlimited access to the Institute’s practices (including all ACI guides and reports) and symposium volumes. Members now have unprecedented access to all the Institute’s knowledge resources. Combined with the many other benefits ACI membership provides – including substantial discounts, a monthly magazine, research journals, free shipping, and more – ACI membership provides concrete industry professionals with the chance to save time and money while increasing productivity and competitiveness. “Now is the best time to become an ACI member,” stated Melinda G. Reynolds, Director, Membership and Customer Service, American Concrete Institute. “All ACI members now have free access to ACI University’s live webinars featuring industry experts delivering information and answering questions on many timely topics; plus, members now also have free access to hundreds of online, on-demand courses. With these additional benefits, ACI provides our members with the knowledge needed to succeed in the concrete industry and remains the premier community for individuals dedicated to the best use of concrete.” Learn more about the new membership benefits by calling 248-848-3800 or visiting View the video. ### For more information, contact: Julie Webb p +1.248.848.3148 American Concrete Institute | Always advancing Always advancing – The American Concrete Institute is a leading global authority for the development, dissemination, and adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, and educational, training, & certification programs. Founded in 1904, ACI is headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, with a regional office in Dubai, UAE, and a resource center in Southern California. Visit for additional information.
To provide additional knowledge resources to members, the American Concrete Institute launched new member benefits beginning January 1, 2021. ACI members now have free access to all ACI University live webinars, free access to 260+ on-demand courses, and unlimited access to the Institute’s practices (including all ACI guides and reports) and symposium volumes.
Members now have unprecedented access to all the Institute’s knowledge resources. Combined with the many other benefits ACI membership provides – including substantial discounts, a monthly magazine, research journals, free shipping, and more – ACI membership provides concrete industry professionals with the chance to save time and money while increasing productivity and competitiveness.
“Now is the best time to become an ACI member,” stated Melinda G. Reynolds, Director, Membership and Customer Service, American Concrete Institute. “All ACI members now have free access to ACI University’s live webinars featuring industry experts delivering information and answering questions on many timely topics; plus, members now also have free access to hundreds of online, on-demand courses. With these additional benefits, ACI provides our members with the knowledge needed to succeed in the concrete industry and remains the premier community for individuals dedicated to the best use of concrete.”
Learn more about the new membership benefits by calling 248-848-3800 or visiting View the video.
For more information, contact:
Julie Webb p +1.248.848.3148 American Concrete Institute | Always advancing
Always advancing – The American Concrete Institute is a leading global authority for the development, dissemination, and adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, and educational, training, & certification programs. Founded in 1904, ACI is headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, with a regional office in Dubai, UAE, and a resource center in Southern California. Visit for additional information.
ACI University is a global, online learning resource, providing on-demand access to a wide range of topics on concrete materials, design, and construction
These Awards will celebrate innovation and inspire excellence throughout the global concrete design and construction community.
The American Concrete Institute's newest Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and Commentary is now available in print and digital formats. Learn more about the 2019 edition, plus supplemental resources from ACI.
Visit the ACI 318 Portal Now »