Translated Articles

Volunteers from ACI’s international chapters and international partner associations have translated CI articles into several languages. This activity helps advance the mission of ACI by further disseminating knowledge of concrete technology around the world.



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Showing 196-200 of 211 search results

Constructed in 1984, Sound of the Sea II condominiums, Emerald Isle, NC, USA, underwent comprehensive repairs in 2007 and 2008. Repair and preservation technologies implemented on this project included impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) on balconies and localized galvanic cathodic protection in corridors and roof parapet repairs. After 11 years in service, ICCP continues to provide protection within the original design parameters.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Extensive research and testing have shown that several types of ground glass can perform well as a pozzolanic material in concrete. Supported by these results, a new specification ASTM C1866/C1866M, “Standard Specification for Ground-Glass Pozzolan for Use in Concrete,” was published earlier this year. This article provides much of the background information and industry context that accompanied the balloting of this new document.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

ACI’s mentorships are managed by the ACI Foundation through its fellowship program. Through this program, graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in concrete-related educational programs receive assistance in finding an industry mentor as well as monetary support toward their studies. The article discusses how mentorship has changed over time, mentor/mentee relationships, and characteristics of a strong mentorship from the mentee and the mentor perspectives.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

This article is a response to “Brittle Failures in Precast Parking Structures” by William L. Gamble, Gordon H. Reigstad, and Jason Reigstad, published in CI in September 2019. It provides discussion on the original design concept for prestressed concrete double-tees with flanges reinforced primarily with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer grid, their development and evaluation, and flange failures. A closure from the authors of the September 2019 CI article is also provided.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Design of insulated concrete wall panels (ICWPs) resides outside of the current building code provisions. The behavior of an ICWP is largely a function of the wythe connector stiffness and strength. Using the percent composite analogy, designers of partially composite ICWPs can follow the design process for a solid wall. However, they must be aware of the limitations of this approach and the various factors that affect the panel deflections and stresses when subjected to service and design loadings.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

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