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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Properties of Heavy Concrete Made with Barite Aggregates

Author(s): L. P. Witte and J. E. Backstrom

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 51

Issue: 6

Appears on pages(s): 65-88

Keywords: no keywords

DOI: 10.14359/11668

Date: 6/1/1954

Reports results of tests performed on barite (barium sulfate) to determine its physical properties and its potential value as an aggregate in conventional and prepacked concrete where high density is desired. The concretes de-veloped were tested under a variety of conditions to determine their physical, chemical, and structural characteristics. Barite aggregate behaves in concrete similarly to an ordinary crushed aggregate such as limestone or basalt, and no special problems were encountered in selecting and proportioning the constituents of the concretes. Exceptionally high compressive strengths were developed by conventional barite concrete. Prepacked barite concretes did not develop these high strengths. Coefficient of thermal expansion is approximately twice that of concrete containing a good natural aggregate similar to that used in Grand Coulee Dam. Values of specific heat, thermal conductivity, and diffusivity are approximately one-half those obtained with the natural aggregate concrete. Concretes having densit,ies of as much as 232 lb per cu ft were obtained. Concrete of high density is desirable for shielding in certain areas of atomic plants. Barite might also serve as riprap for bank protection where weight is desirable.