International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Rheological Behaviour of Cement Pastes with Low Amounts of Polynaphthalene Sulfonate Plasticizer

Author(s): Alexander Mezhov, Simon Ulka, Charles. E. Diesendruck, Youri Gendel, and Konstantin Kovler

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 326


Appears on pages(s): 13.1-13.10

Keywords: adsorption; low dosage admixture; plasticizer efficiency; polynaphthalene sulfonate (PNS); rheology; yield stress

DOI: 10.14359/51710983

Date: 8/10/2018

In this manuscript, the behaviour of cement pastes is examined when exposed to small additions of three different Polynaphthalene Sulfonate (PNS) based plasticizing admixtures. The adsorption behaviour of the polymeric molecules onto the cement particles is studied, and the minimum dosage of admixture required to achieve a significant change in the paste’s yield stress is measured together with the amount of an entrapped air. Below a minimum PNS dosage, there is no significant change in the yield stress and the amount of air in the paste. Yet, beyond this minimum dosage, both the viscosity and the yield stress decrease steadily and the amount of the entrapped air increases. Interestingly, one of the PNS admixtures exhibited a slower plasticizing effect (i.e. a higher critical dosage) than two others studied PNS compounds.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

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