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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Theoretical Model for Calculating Shear Strength of Fiber- Reinforced Polymer-Reinforced Concrete Beams

Author(s): Jahanzaib and Shamim A. Sheikh

Publication: Structural Journal

Volume: 121

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 51-64

Keywords: concrete contribution; fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) members; FRP stirrups; Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT); shear strength

DOI: 10.14359/51740851

Date: 9/1/2024

This paper investigates the shear behavior of concrete beamslongitudinally reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)bars. Beams with and without glass fiber-reinforced polymer(GFRP) stirrups are analyzed in the paper. Results of 93 largescaleFRP-reinforced concrete beam specimens were shortlisted,and the experimentally determined shear strengths were predictedusing the available design algorithms in the literature. ModifiedCompression Field Theory, which can successfully predict theshear strength of steel-reinforced concrete members, was revisitedin this study to incorporate the low-modulus and high-strengthbehavior of FRP bars. The proposed model gives an averagepredicted-to-experimental strength ratio of 0.96 with a coefficientof variation (COV) of 13% for beams without any transverse reinforcement and an average strength ratio of 1.00 with a COV of 16% for beams reinforced with GFRP stirrups.