International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Preassembled Shear Reinforcing Units for Flat Plates

Author(s): Frieder Seible, Amin Ghali, and Walter H. Dilger

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 77

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 28-35

Keywords: columns (supports); connectrions; construction costs; cracking (fracturing); deformation; ductility; economics; flat concrete plates; flexural strength; reinforced concrete; shear properties; shear strength; welded wire fabric.

DOI: 10.14359/6988

Date: 1/1/1980

In the development of new types of shear reinforcemnt ofr flat plates, three important factors must be considered; shear strength, ductility, and economy. For economy, the shear reinforcement must be easy to install and must not omplicate the placement of the other reinforcement in the slab or in the column. In this paper, three different types of preassembled shear units are presented which meet the requirements of strength, ductility, and economy. Based on the test results of seven full-size slab-column connections, recommendations are made for the practical arrangement of the shear reinforcement investigated.



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