International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Local Bond Stress-Slip Behavior of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Plain and Fiber Concrete

Author(s): M. H. Harajli, M. Hout, and W. Jalkh

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 92

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 343-353

Keywords: anchorage (structural); bonding; fiber reinforced concretes; pullout tests; slippage; splitting tensile strength; Structural Research

DOI: 10.14359/999

Date: 7/1/1995

This study summarizes the results of an experimental investigation of the bond and slip characteristics of reinforcing bars embedded in fiber reinforced concrete (FRC). More than 100 concentric pullout specimens were tested, and the effect of several parameters on the local bond stress-slip response of reinforcing bars was investigated, including the diameter of reinforcing bars (No. 6 and 8), the mode of bond failure (pullout, splitting), the concrete splitting area surrounding the reinforcing bar, and the type, volume fraction, and aspect ratio of fibers. Discussion of the test results is undertaken, and a simple analytical model describing the local bond stress-slip relationship for reinforcing bars embedded in plain and FRC and subjected to monotonically increasing load-in-tension is presented. The model accounts for most of the important parameters that influence the local bond stress-slip response as observed in the experiment.


Electronic Materials Journal



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