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January 1, 1991
K. Kazuhiro, O. Shunsuke, and A. Hiroyuki
Symposium Papers
Summarizes a series of research efforts at the University of Tokyo leading to the development of earthquake-resistant design criteria for reinforced concrete interior beam-column joints. The design criteria emphasize the protection of the joint to an acceptable deformation level of a frame structure during an intense earthquake. For the design against shear, shear-resisting mechanisms by truss and concrete compression strut, the role of joint lateral reinforcement, and the effect of transverse beams and slabs were studied experimentally. The requirement for beam bar bond was discussed on the basis of nonlinear earthquake response analysis.
Shunsuke Otani
The Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) published its 1988 draft design guidelines for earthquake-resistant reinforced concrete buildings based on ultimate strength concept as a first attempt to develop an ultimate strength design procedure in Japan. This paper introduces the general concept of the design procedure, and explains in detail the design requirements and background information for reinforced concrete beam-column joints of the AIJ guidelines. Based on experimental evidence, the amount of lateral reinforcement in the joint required is significantly reduced from ACI requirements.
T. Kaku and H. Asakusa
Bond and/or anchorage performances of longitudinal bars in reinforced concrete beam-column joints were outlined, based on the investigations performed in the United States, New Zealand, and Japan in the past 10 years. The effects of joint size-bar diameter ratio, development length, geometry of bent bar, column axial force, and transverse reinforcement were discussed. The bond deterioration caused such undesirable phenomena as pinching in force-story drift hysteresis curves, increasing the slip deformation at the beam-column interface, changing the shear transfer mechanism in the joint core, and decreasing the flexural strength of the adjoining members. Bars passing through an interior joint and bent bars in an exterior joint were treated separately to make the discussion clear.
Kenzo Yoshioka and Masataka Sekine
Describes two types of prefabricated beam-column joints designed to save manpower requirements in construction work. The first type consists of making precast subassemblages with beam-column joints and integrated beams. Through-holes are provided in the vertical direction in the beam-column joint to accommodate column reinforcing bars (Type 1). The second type consists of precast subassemblages with beam-column joints and columns integrated. Through holes are provided in the horizontal direction in the beam-column joint to accommodate beam reinforcing bars (Type 2). Column or beam reinforcing bars are passed through the holes in these precast subassemblages; the parts are integrated by subsequent grouting of the holes with high-strength mortar. The earthquake resistance of these precast subassemblages was investigated with cyclic loading tests. The systems are intended for use in a 13-story reinforced concrete building, designed so that its collapse mechanism would be of the beam-yielding type. With Type 1 precast subassemblages, column reinforcing bars grouted and fixed inside sleeve-pipe holes are not subject to stresses extending into the plastic range. Therefore, by suitably designing the anchorage lengths of beam reinforcing bars inside the joints, there will be no slippage of the beam bars. A ductility of more than six times the yielding displacement may be attained. With Type 2 subassemblages, the beam reinforcing bars grouted and fixed inside sleeve-pipe holes are subjected to repeated stresses extending into the plastic range, such that bond deterioration occurs inside the joints. Strength declines at large deformations exceeding three times the yield displacement, and satisfactory ductility is not obtained. Taking test results into consideration, precast subassemblages of the first type are recommended for adoption in the 13-story building.
Zhu Bolong and Chen Yuzhou
The results of three full-scale reinforced concrete beam-column joint specimens subjected to one- and two-directional reversed loading are presented in this paper. The influences on aseismic behavior of beam-column joints with different loading systems and monolithic slabs have been analyzed. Also, the relevant provisions for joints in the Chinese design code for reinforced concrete structures have been checked by test results, and some recommendations for beam-column joint design are given.
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