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Home > Publications > International Concrete Abstracts Portal
Showing 1-5 of 13 Abstracts search results
September 29, 2017
Georgios P. Balomenos, Aikaterini S. Genikomsou, Mahesh D. Pandey, and Maria A. Polak
Symposium Papers
Four interior reinforced concrete flat slabs are analyzed deterministically using the finite element analysis (FEA) program ABAQUS. Using this verified FEA model, probabilistic FEA is performed considering uncertain material properties. Probabilistic FEA is executed using a new variance based method, namely, multiplicative dimensional reduction method (M-DRM). M-DRM is selected because it overcomes the computational cost limitation, which can be a barrier for these types of analyses; it provides the probability distribution of any structural response, e.g., distribution of punching shear strength; it conducts sensitivity analysis without requiring any further execution of the FEA code. M-DRM is automated in ABAQUS using python programing. First, this study examines how material uncertainty impacts the structural response of interior flat slabs, in terms of ultimate load and ultimate displacement. Then, sensitivity analysis is performed in order to prioritize the most influential input random variables with respect to these structural responses. Finally, probability distribution of the punching shear resistance is also derived, using the design equations from the American code (ACI 318) and Eurocode 2 (EC2), in order to examine the degree of conservatism associated with the current design practices.
Amin Ghali and Ramez B. Gayed
Assemblies of vertical headed stud shear reinforcement are extensively used in practice to resist punching of concrete slabs. Similarly, headed studs making an angle 45 degrees with slab surface can be used for the same purpose. Equations for design and detailing are presented with examples.
David A. Fanella, Mustafa Mahamid, and Michael Mota
Voided concrete flat plate slab systems, which have been used for many years in Europe and other parts of the world, are becoming increasingly popular in the U.S. because of many inherent benefits. This paper presents information on these benefits as well as requirements for serviceability, flexure, and shear. Also included are discussions on vibration and fire resistance.
Johannes Furche, Carsten Siburg, and Ulrich Bauermeister
Lattice girders consist of longitudinal reinforcing bars which are connected to vertical or inclined struts by welding. Due to the great stiffness of the anchorage of the struts, this kind of reinforcement works well as shear reinforcement also in two way span flat slabs. The experience with different kinds of girders as punching shear reinforcement led to an optimized girder shape. This highly effective girder was tested in full scale tests to obtain a European Technical Approval based on the European design code Eurocode 2. These tests are described in this paper. The results are evaluated according to the American design rules of ACI 318-14 too. The punching shear resistance of slabs with this special lattice punching shear reinforcement is compared with the resistance when using other reinforcement.
Walter H. Dilger
Inclined shear reinforcement affects the response to shear in reinforced and prestressed concrete members in two ways: it increases the capacity to resist shear and reduces the width of the shear cracks. The increase in shear resistance is the result of the decrease in the compressive stress in the diagonal compression struts – theoretically up to fifty percent - relative to beams with vertical stirrups. The reduction in crack width stems from the interception of the inclined shear cracks by the stirrups approximately at right angle. Associated with the reduced compressive stress in the concrete struts and the smaller crack widths is a reduction in shear deformation, which can be important for heavily loaded transfer girders or deep beams. For the understanding of the internal mechanism in concrete members with inclined shear reinforcement the paper first presents theoretical aspects for beams and relevant experimental verification from the literature, which confirm the above statements. This is followed by evidence from recent tests on punching shear in two-way slabs that the use of inclined headed stud shear reinforcement (HSSR) also increases the punching capacity of slabs.
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.