• The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

International Concrete Abstracts Portal

Showing 1-5 of 125 Abstracts search results




September 20, 2018


Vyatcheslav Falikman, Roberto Realfonzo, Luigi Coppola, Petr Hàjek, Paolo Riva


Symposium Papers




Modern construction is unthinkable without concrete, the world production and consumption of which is about 10 billion m3 per year. Given the steady growth of the world’s population by 2050, it is expected to double this volume, which will undoubtedly be significantly affected on energy consumption and increase global CO2 emissions. Concrete is perhaps the most universal building material since the beginning and development of civilization. It is sufficient to recall the Great Wall of China, the palaces and temples of Ancient India, the pyramids of Ancient Egypt, the unique buildings of Romans, made with the use of lime-pozzolanic binders. Universality of concrete is defined by simplicity and convenience of its production, rather low cost, structural integrity and homogeneity, durability and a long service life under various aggressive environments. However, the concrete image is sometimes not favorable. It is associated with greater labor intensity of construction works and dismantlement, massive structures, a large impact on the environment in connection with the s consumption of not renewable natural resources. The same perception is greatly facilitated by the fact that, according to Gigaton Throwdown Initiative, “the cement industry is responsible for about 5 to 7% of total CO2 emissions, or 2.1 Gt per year.” Indeed, when producing cement clinker about 0.9 t CO2 / t clinker are produced. Taking into account the annual increase in the production and use of Portland-based cement (more than 4.1 million tons per year) that is the main binder used in the production of concrete, this fact poses a significant threat to humanity as a whole. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), actions are necessary to reduce carbon dioxide emissions because in about 30 years CO2 concentrations is expected to reach 450 ppm – a dangerous point above which irreversible climate change will occur on our planet. Since concrete will remain the main building material in the future, it is expected that if new ways and mechanisms to reduce the environmental burden by at least 50% will be not found, it is not possible to maintain the existing level of impact. This problem is so deep and serious that there is hardly a single way to solve it. There is a need for an integrated approach, several complementary activities that provide some synergy. Until recently, the main efforts were aimed at improving technological processes and reducing the consumption of clinker through the production of blended cements, as well as the creation of new types of binders. Active search for alternative binders has led to the development of sulfoaluminate-based cements; alkali-activated materials and geopolymers (slag, fly ash, metakaolin, etc.), efficient and fairly water-resistant magnesia cements; phosphate cements (ammonium phosphate, silicate phosphate, magnesium phosphate etc.), cements with calcium halogen-aluminate and the so called low water demand binders. With the advent of high-performance concretes and new technologies, the possibility of a radical increase of the cement factor in conventional concrete due to the use of high-performance superplasticizers and other chemical admixtures, dramatically reducing the water consumption of the concrete mixture; active mineral additives such as micro silica, metakaolin, fly ash, finely ground granulated slag, etc., as well as a variety of inert fillers that can improve the functionality of concrete mixtures, such as fine limestone. Strictly speaking, “pozzolanic effect” and “filler effect” are easily combined and provide a certain synergy. The potential for reducing cement consumption in concrete production is still undervalued. This is due to certain fears of decreasing the corrosion resistance of concrete and durability of reinforced concrete structures, since the great bulk of the existing standards is prescriptive and sets the minimum cement content in concrete under specific operating conditions. Reinforced concrete structures of buildings and constructions, as a rule, initially, shall have the design strength and sufficiently long service life because their construction often requires a significant investment. The durability of these structures, however, is determined by different ageing processes and the influence of external actions, so their life will be limited. As a result, many structures need to be repaired or even replaced in fairly short time periods, resulting in additional costs and environmental impacts. Therefore, there is a need to improve the design principles of structures taking into account the parameters of durability and thus achieving a sufficiently long service life. Development of the concept of design of structures based on their life cycle, “environmental design”, including a holistic approach that optimizes material and energy resources in the context of operating costs, allow us to completely revise our ideas about structural concrete construction. It should be noted that many recent developments in the field of life cycle analysis (LCA) are aimed at expanding and deepening traditional approaches and creating a more complete description of the processes with the analysis of sustainable development (LCSA) to cover not only the problems associated mainly with the product (product level), but also complex problems related to the construction sector of the economy (at the sector level) or even the general economic level (economy level). The approach to “environmental design” is based on such models and methods of design, which takes into account a set of factors of their impact on the environment, based on the concept of “full life cycle” or models of accounting for total energy consumption and integrated CO2 emission. All of this could become a basis for the solution of the global problem – to contain the growing burden on the environment, providing a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions and energy consumption in the construction industry. Hence a special sharpness P. K. Mehta’s phrase acquires: “...the future of the cement and concrete industry will largely depend on our ability to link their growth for sustainable development...” The above-mentioned acute and urgent problems form the basis of the agenda of the Second edition of International Workshop on “Durability and Sustainability of Concrete Structures – DSCS-2018,” held in Moscow on 6 – 7 June 2018 under the auspices of the American Concrete Institute, the International Federation on structural concrete and the International Union of experts and laboratories in the field of building materials, systems and structures. The selected papers of this major forum, which brought together more than 150 experts from almost 40 countries of the world, are collected in this ACI SP.






August 10, 2018


Pietro G. Gambarova, Francesco Lo Monte, Seyed M.S. Mousavi, Pietro L. Torregiani, and Mattia Zecchillo


Symposium Papers




A heavy-duty almost square R/C slab is studied in this paper based on two tests performed under the service loads, after adding a stiffening R/C beam along the only free edge. The very linear behavior exhibited during the tests was the starting point: (a) to perform a FE analysis to investigate the role of the mixed restraints; (b) to identify the most probable failure mechanisms – under distributed and concentrated loading - within the kinematic theorem of Limit Analysis (Yield-Line Method); (c) to quantify the extra strength provided by the stiffening beam; and (d) to study the bearing capacity in fire.

Slab sides are close to 8 m [27 ft] and the thickness is 35 cm [13.8 in.]. Two adjoining sides rest on walls, while the third side is partially supported and the fourth side - initially free – has been stiffened by casting an R/C beam along the extrados.

The mixed restraints show that (a) not always the yield lines and the failure mechanisms dictated by intuition are the most probable; (b) stiffening a free edge may not be required at the serviceability or ultimate limit states, but by the checks in fire; and (c) stiffening a free edge tends to shift the failure mechanism towards slab-localized mechanisms, because of the greater heat sensitivity of thin slabs compared with solid beams.






August 10, 2018


Vasily Sitnikov and Ivan Sitnikov


Symposium Papers




It is well-known that cooling of fresh concrete to a subfreezing temperature interrupts the structure formation and can lead to serious damages of constructions. Most of the existing antifreeze additives reduce this destructive effect, however it should be acknowledged that the processes of cement hydration is still interrupted to an extent that the strength gain in these conditions is simply negligible. When using these admixtures, it is merely expected that concrete will not lose its integrity during the phase of cooling and that strength will be gained after the ambient temperature will reach positive values. However, in our work we aim at proving the possibility of rapid strength gain of UHPC with reduced water-cement ratio even at subfreezing temperatures. The following article presents analysis of the influence of various in-house developed admixtures on kinetics of strength gain of UHPC at negative temperatures.






August 10, 2018


Gusev Boris Vladimirovich and Fayvusovich Alexander Solomonovich


Symposium Papers




The engineering method presented in this article is based on mathematical models and theoretical and practical research conducted by the authors, including the results of their quantitative modelling.

The increase in forecasting precision and the provision of application simplicity are achieved through the improvement of the model and through linearization of initial equations. It is recommended to determine the initial data for the calculations based on the distribution of corrosion products along the depth of used structures.






August 10, 2018


Federica Lollini, Maddalena Carsana, Matteo Gastaldi, Elena Redaelli, and Forood Torabian Isfahani


Symposium Papers




Within the SeaCon project “Sustainable concrete using seawater, salt-contaminated aggregates, and non-corrosive reinforcement”, financed by the Infravation program, an experimental study is being carried out, aimed at demonstrating the safe utilization of chloride-contaminated raw materials for the production of a sustainable concrete, when combined with non-corrosive reinforcement to construct durable and economical concrete infrastructures. Experimental tests are ongoing to assess the corrosion behavior of austenitic (S30403 and S24100) and duplex stainless steels (S31803 and S32304) reinforcing bars, and for comparison of carbon steel, embedded in concretes made with chloride-contaminated raw materials and subjected to different environmental conditions. This paper focuses on the results of tests carried out on reinforced concrete specimens exposed to ponding with a 3.5% NaCl solution for approximately one year, in order to simulate the effect of the further penetration of chlorides. Results showed that this condition led, in few days, to the initiation of corrosion on the carbon steel bars embedded in concretes made with chloride-contaminated raw materials. Neither the initial contamination nor the further penetration of chlorides led to the onset of corrosion on any of the stainless steel bars embedded in concrete made with chloride-contaminated materials.




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