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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Ferrocement: International Revival

Author(s): E. E. Naaman

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 206


Appears on pages(s): 323-340

Keywords: ferrocement, fiber reinforced concrete, fiber reinforced polymeric meshes, high performance fibers, hybrid composites, modulus of rupture, processing, steel meshes, textile concrete, 3 D meshes

DOI: 10.14359/12261

Date: 4/1/2002

Ferrocement and more generally laminated cement based composites are in a state of revival worldwide. Looking back and looking ahead, this paper focuses on three aspects of development that are at the basis of the current revival of ferrocement: 1)the application side, where some new limits and new daring ideas were demonstrated; 2) the professional side, particularly the activities of the International Ferrocement Society and the publication of the first Ferrocement Model Code, and 3) the technical side, where high performance fiber reinforced polymeric (FRP) meshes are introduced either alone or in combination with fibers or micro-fibers leading to hybrid composites with improved performance and reduced cost. Prospects for the near future are also discussed.