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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Using Ineractive Spreadhseets for Teaching Concrete Formwork Design

Author(s): William C. Epstein

Publication: Concrete International

Volume: 25

Issue: 10

Appears on pages(s): 41-46



Date: 10/1/2003

The planning, design, and construction of concrete formwork are completely the purview of the general contractor and their hired sub contractors. As such, most accredited construction management programs offer some sort of course work relating to concrete formwork. This article will present a set of interactive Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (E-Z Forms 2003) which were developed as instructional aids for teaching construction management students how to design simple timber-based concrete formwork. The E-Z Forms 2003 package contains two separate spreadsheets: E-Z Wall 2003, for the design of vertical formwork, and E-Z Slab 2003, for the design of horizontal formwork. The bulk of this article is focused on providing the reader a guided tour through both of these spreadsheets using various screen shots from the programs, and referencing associated information, data, and formulas from ACI’s SP-4, Formwork for Concrete. You can download the actual spreadsheets at www.concrete.org > Free Resources > Form Design Spreadsheet.