International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Getting it Right: Successful SCC Production Practices

Author(s): C.R. Cornman, H. Koyata, and A.A. Jeknavorian

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 233


Appears on pages(s): 1-8

Keywords: admixtures; gradations; mixture proportioning; qualitycontrol; rheology; troubleshooting

DOI: 10.14359/15819

Date: 3/9/2006

The challenge in producing successful self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is based on consistently achieving high flow and high stability. The foundation of high quality SCC production is the suitability of the underlying materials and a mixture design that is optimized for those materials and the application. Not all applications require relatively high slump flows in the range of 28-30 inches (700-750mm), where control measures need to be especially well managed. Furthermore, even the best mixture designs can have stability limitations. To assure that SCC applications proceed with minimal difficulties, the concrete producer must anticipate variations in materials and production operations through effective quality control procedures. Changes in cement reactivity, aggregate properties (gradation, shape, and water demand), free moisture, and extra sources of moisture that may be present, for instance, in the truck, and the mixing process need to be carefully monitored. This paper will discuss specific examples that demonstrate best practices in mixture design, QA/QC, and production techniques.



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