International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Procedure for Mix Proportioning of Type K Expansive Cement Blends For Use in Shrinkage-Compensating Mortars

Author(s): Jan Olek and Menashi D. Cohen

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 88

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 536-543

Keywords: expansive cement, Type K; mix proportioning; mortars (material); models; regression analysis; shrinkage-compensating cements; statistical analysis; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/2203

Date: 9/1/1991

Paper presents a procedure for mix proportioning of Type K expansive cement blends for use in shrinkage-compensating mortars. The proposed procedure is based on a simple linear regression model correlating maximum expansion in Type K expansive cement mortars with expansion time (duration) of mortar and composition of expansive cement ingredients. The model provides a practical means of correlating such parameters as the composition and relative proportions of expansive cement mortar ingredients with the duration of curing so that the resulting mortar can satisfy expansion criteria specified in ASTM C 806. The model demonstrates that, for the range of parameters and materials used in this investigation, there is a reasonable correlation between the square root of expansion, the mass of expansive component in the expansive cement blend, and the expansion time. Furthermore, the mass of the expansive component does not appear to be an exclusive and reliable predictor of the amount of expansion strain. The expansion time must be considered as well in the overall relationship.


Electronic Materials Journal



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