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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Carbon Reinforced Concrete Under Cyclic Tensile Loading

Author(s): Arne Spelter, Juliane Wagner, Manfred Curbach, and Josef Hegger

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 345


Appears on pages(s): 1-15

Keywords: Carbon reinforced concrete (CRC), cyclic loading, fatigue curve, S-N curve, tensile fatigue, textile reinforced concrete (TRC)

DOI: 10.14359/51731567

Date: 2/1/2021


Carbon reinforced concrete (CRC) is a material composed of a high-performance concrete and a carbon reinforcement (textile grids, lamellas, rods). Composite materials with reinforcements of other fiber materials are called textile reinforced concrete (TRC). The investigations of CRC started more than 20 years ago and the continuous development as well as research findings have opened many fields of application. Today, the use of CRC includes the strengthening of reinforced concrete elements as well as the realization of new elements such as facades, shells and even bridges.

Some of these structures require knowledge of the fatigue behavior due to cyclic loading (e. g. bridges). In a collaborative project of the Institute of Structural Concrete of the RWTH Aachen University and the Institute of Concrete Structures of the TU Dresden, the uniaxial tensile fatigue behavior of two carbon textile reinforcement types was systematically investigated. The specimens were subjected up to 107 loading cycles and stress ranges up to 261 ksi (1,800 MPa). The influence of the maximum load and amplitude were investigated as well as fatigue curves for these two reinforcement types derived.