International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Stress-Strain Analysis of Belite Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Concrete for Structural Applications

Author(s): Cameron Murray, Ph.D. PE, Principal Investigator; Gabriel Johnson, Graduate Student; Elizabeth Poblete, Ph.D. Student

Publication: CRC



Appears on pages(s): 139



Date: 10/1/2023

The current edition of the ACI 318-19(22) Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary allows the use of alternative cements in design when these materials can be proved to conform to the existing structural design parameters used to estimate performance. Belitic calcium sulfoaluminate (BCSA) cement is an alternative hydraulic cement which exhibits fast setting properties, high sulfate resistance, adequate durability, and low carbon emissions when compared with portland cement. Limited research exists to characterize the performance of BCSA cement concrete in ultimate strength design. This report compares the stress-strain relationship of BCSA cement concrete in both uniaxial compression and flexural compression loading to that of portland cement concrete. Also, guidance is provided on the applicability of current ACI code values for the design of BCSA cement concrete flexural members. A total of 64 concrete cylinders at various water cement ratios (w/c) and ages were tested uniaxially and strains were measured to determine static modulus of elasticity (MOE). Of the 64 cylinders, 6 control cylinders of portland cement concrete (PC) and 58 BCSA cement concrete specimens were made. From these tests, uniaxial stress-strain relationships were developed, and MOE and maximum strain values occurring at maximum stress were compared with historical data and design code estimations. 14 unreinforced flexural compression specimens at various w/c and ages were fabricated and tested in combined axial compression and bending to evaluate compression zone properties of BCSA cement concrete for reinforced concrete design. Variables in this study included w/c, age at testing, and compressive strength. Results from flexural compression specimen testing were compared with historical results and design code estimates. Results from uniaxial compression cylinder tests indicated that BCSA cement concrete behaves similarly to PC concrete in compression and has similar MOE and compression strain characteristics. Results from flexural compression specimens suggest that concrete design code equations for estimating design parameters for flexural members are adequate or conservative for BCSA cement concrete flexural members with strengths between 7.8 and 12.4 ksi.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

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