International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Concrete Masonry Structures -Design and Construction

Author(s): ACI Committee 531

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 67

Issue: 6

Appears on pages(s): 442-460

Keywords: admixtures; air entrainment; anchorage (structural) ; anchor bolts: anchors (fasteners) ; architectural masonry; backfilling; beams (supports) ; bending (reinforcing steels) ; bond ( concrete to reinforcement).

DOI: 10.14359/7284

Date: 6/1/1970

This report provides recommendations for the design and construction of rein-forced and nonreinforced concrete masonry structures, using units manufactured to ASTM specifications. The manufacturing process itself is not discussed, and mortar-less masonry and construction using resin-type adhesives between the units are not covered. Design recommendations based on the working stress method give allowable stresses for both reinforced and nonreinforced masonry. Construction recommendations include chapters on materials and the specifications;mortar and grout; preferred construction practices; determination of masonry strength; inspection; connections to embedded and adjoining construction; and reinforcing bar details. Design chapters deal separately with reinforced walls and columns and nonreinforced walls and columns. Shear, bond, and anchorage provisions are given for reinforced masonry. Recommendations for control of wall movements are made, and construction of masonry veneers, screen walls, and fences is described. Nearly 200 terms relating to masonry design and construction appear in the appendix.



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