International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Seismic Design of Frame Buildings: a European Perspective

Author(s): P. E. Pinto and G. M. Calvi

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 157


Appears on pages(s): 191-210

Keywords: bending; capacity; earthquake-resistant structures; frames; models; reinforced concrete; shear properties; structural design; standards; Design

DOI: 10.14359/1005

Date: 10/1/1995

Reviews the aspects considered to be major limitations, from a conceptual point of view if not always from a practical one, in the view of a codified approach to design and, more generally, in the ability to describe seismic response of structures. The state of progress and current research efforts on three interrelated subjects are first discussed, including capacity design criteria and procedures, definition of the state of collapse and damage of a structure, and viable techniques for a probabilistic calibration of safety factors. It should be noted that a fuller rationalization of these aspects is more acutely needed in Europe due to the larger variety of structural typologies, which calls for more refined differentiations and, in turn, for more rational and visible justifications In the second part of the paper, the specific problem of shear-bending interaction is considered; this behavior is qualitatively known, but is neither quantitatively well defined nor commonly implemented in computer programs. A simple proposal for an analytical model is presented and discussed. The results of some preliminary numerical simulations show interesting results, their main merit consisting in an indication of the relevance of the problems. Similar elements could be easily integrated into nonlinear dynamic programs and used for probabilistic calibrations. The paper is concluded by a brief presentation of a broad experimental and analytical research program just started in Europe to support the final preparation of a unified seismic code.



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