International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The Carlson R-C (Reinforced Concrete) Meter

Author(s): Dale E. Berner and Roy W. Carlson

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 83

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 629-632

Keywords: beams (supports); creep properties; embedment; reinforced concrete;strain gages: stresses’; temperature-measuring instruments.

DOI: 10.14359/10631

Date: 7/1/1986

The Carlson R-C (reinforced concrete) Meter is a unique instrument for measuring stresses and strains within reinforced concrete. The R-C Meter is distinguished from other instruments in that it physically simulates a steel reinforcing bar embedded within the concrete and consequently measures the true stress and strain within the neighboring reinforcing bars, regardless of the presence of cracks. Other features of the R-C Meter include: I) long-term stability, 2) the ability to measure temperature, 3) ease of placement, and 4) ruggedness. The R-C Meter was compared with other strain meters embedded within a concrete beam that was tested in flexure at the University of California at Berkeley. The tests indicated that the Carlson R-C Meter accurately measured stress, strain, temperature, and creep, and was also unaffected by focal stress/strain concentrations that significantly affected the readings of the other strain meters tested.



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