International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Stresses in Prestressed and Nonprestressed Pavements and Slabs On Grade Due to Differential Shrinkage and Creep

Author(s): Michel Sargious and Amin Ghali

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 83

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 772-776

Keywords: concrete pavements; creep properties; prestressed concrete; shrinkage;slab-on-ground construction; strains; stresses; stress relaxation; warpage.

DOI: 10.14359/10671

Date: 9/1/1986

Water is free to evaporate from the top surface of a concrete pavement during its service life, while the bottom surface is covered. The difference in humidity results in variations through the slab thickness in the modulus of elasticity of concrete, its creep coefficient, and the amount of shrinkage. These time-dependent variations produce, in the inner zone of a prestressed concrete pavement, compressive and tensile stresses at the bottom and top surfaces, respectively. The method of analysis presented in this paper is simple to apply and use in practice when the parameters related to the properties of concrete are known. The same equations used for prestressed pavements are applicable to nonprestressed pavements and slabs on grade.



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