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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Reactivity of lime Activated Pozzolans

Author(s): W. J. McCarter, G. Starrs, and T. M. Chrisp

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 202


Appears on pages(s): 397-414

Keywords: conductivity; dielectric constant; hydration; monitoring; replacement materials

DOI: 10.14359/10796

Date: 8/1/2001

This paper utilizes electrical methods to follow the early hydration characteristics of a range of materials activated with calcium hydroxide at room temperature (20°C). The electrical response is measured in terms of the in-phase (i.e. resistance) and quadrature (i.e. capacitance) components of the sample admittance. A number of presentation formalisms are exploited in identifying the stages of hydration and studying reaction kinetics in alkali-activated systems. It is also shown that the electrical response of the material displays a frequency dependence, which is particularly evident in the measured capacitance. The work highlights the applicability of the electrical method as a non-invasive, non-destructive technique in evaluating the reactivity of supplementary materials.