International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Proposed Addition to Proposed ACI Standard: Code Reqiurements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures

Author(s): ACI Committee 349

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 73

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 54-55

Keywords: building codes; compressive strength; cracking (fracturing); creep properties; deflection;edge beams; loads (forces); nuclear power plants; nuclear reactor containment; nuclear reactors; nuclear reactor safety;prestressing steels; reinforcing steels.

DOI: 10.14359/11056

Date: 1/1/1976

The proposed standard covers the proper design and construction of concrete structures which form part of a nuclear plant and which have nuclear safety related functions, but does not cover concrete reactor vessels and concrete containment structures (as defined by ACI Committee 359). The structures covered by the proposed code include concrete structures inside and outside the containment system. The proposed Chapter 19, presented here, covers shell structures with thicknesses greater than 12 in. Structural design and analysis are covered. Reinforcement requirements are specified.



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