International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, ACI 212.3R-91

Author(s): ACI Committee 212

Publication: Concrete International

Volume: 15

Issue: 10

Appears on pages(s): 48-53

Keywords: accelerating agents; adhesives; admixtures; bactericides; air-entraining agents; alkali-aggregate reactions; concretes; batching; calcium chlorides; colors (materials); corrosion inhibitors; fungicides; expanding agents; flocculating; foaming agents; ga


Date: 10/1/1993

This sixth report of ACI Committee 212, now named Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, updates the previous reports of 1944, 1954, 1963, 1971, and 1981. Admixtures discussed herein are those known as chemical admixtures; finely divided mineral admixtures have been transferred to ACI Committee 226. Admixtures are classified into five groups: (1) air-entraining; (2) accelerating; (3) water-reducing and set-controlling; (4) admixtures for flowing concrete; and (5) miscellaneous. Preparation and batching, which had a separate chapter in the 1981 report, are included here in Chapter 1. Chapter 5, "Admixtures for Flowing Concrete," is new, representing technology that has matured since 1981. Any of those admixtures possessing properties identifiable with more that one group are discussed with the group that describes its most important effect on concrete.



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